

A Thousand Words Thursday

I'm sure that many of you followed sweet little Kayleigh and are aware that she went to be with Jesus on May 11th. Sam and I started following her in November and we loved every minute of it. He would often ask, "Momma, can we see if there are new pictures of Kayleigh?"

I had something to send to her family last week and so he included this sweet drawing, which he called "Kayleigh With Wings". (Not bad for a 5-year old, huh?!?)

We also participated in a balloon release. We attached a tag to the balloons with all of Kayleigh's information in hopes of introducing someone else to the 1 pound blessing.

After the balloons were completely out of sight, Sam said with a big smile, "I think they are in Florida now."

We miss you, Kayleigh!


LisaShaw said... 1

This is absolutely beautiful! I love his photo and you know what I'm sure it was his balloons flying in Florida and then all the way up to heaven to make Kayleigh smile.

Sarah said... 2

So wonderful! Your son with grow up with great empathy.

Suburban Hooker said... 3

You're raising someone very special there. I love Kayleigh with Wings!

Dee said... 4

That has me in tears! That is so sweet!

Nicolle said... 5

That is so sweet and touching. Sam has a huge heart! So do you! I found out about Kayleigh through your blog and would go check on her occasionally. I was so sad when she passed away. Sam did a beautiful job on the drawing. Your photos of the balloon release are stunning.

I am Harriet said... 6

That's so very sweet!

Leslie said... 7

That is so sweet. And what a wonderful and caring boy you are raising. Hats off to you for doing such a great job. I love his drawing and the balloon release was such a great idea. Love the photos.

Kathleen said... 8

Such sweet, precious moments of remembrance. I'm so sorry to hear about Kayleigh.

Symphony of Love said... 9

Often time children teach us how to be compassionate, to love unconditionally and remind us the important things in life.

Maria's Space said... 10

Awww...that is an amazing picture. What a sweet gesture to Kayleighs family.

Janis said... 11

I followed Kayleigh too. That was a beautiful picture Sam, I am sure she loved it!!!

Unknown said... 12

I don't know about Kayleigh! I LOVE the baloon release idea. How sweet! I also LOVE that picture he drew. It is too fantastic for words.

Alicia W. said... 13

That was so nice and beautiful.