

Pink and red, plus fur!

Most of our trees are green now, which means we have
a lot of this "pink snow" around our yard...

I walked out on the driveway the other day, about 11AM, and 
saw that 2 sweet roses were smiling at me...

Bluberry craft and hobby time

About 4 hours later, I went back out to get Sam off the 
bus, and they were pretty much laughing...

And, because I haven't posted a pic of my amazing fur baby, 
Molly-No-Tail, in a ridiculously long time...

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli



b. lee said...

how cute is Molly :D luv the 1st pic!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Beautiful blossoms... it just makes me excited for the sun. We have been in lack of it lately... good ol' PNW! :)

Kathleen said...

Ha ha! Love your personification of the roses! Lovely photos!

So I say...Living Life to the Fullest said...

That's so cool how you got to see the flower before it opened and after, and the fact that you got pictures to capture the prettiness. :)

Kala said...

Lovely to see these colorful blossoms - what a difference 4 hours can make.

- Jessi - said...

Love the flowers, they're so pretty.

Liz Mays said...

As beautiful as the petals must be scattered about, I still hate when they fall. :(

Ashley Sisk said...

Molly No-Tail needs more blog love...I want to see more.

Casey Martinez said...

yeah for pink snow!! I bet that looks really pretty;0. The roses are gorgeous!!!

Tara said...

Beautiful captures, I LOVE the pink snow...gorgeous

Run DMT said...

I love how you said the flowers were "smiling" and then laughing. What great imagery! Gorgeous shots as usual, mama!

Buckeroomama said...

I love the 'smiling' rose. :)

I wouldn't mind a blanket of 'pink snow.' That must be so pretty!

Cecily R said...

Beautiful pictures. LOVING the pink snow. I want pink snow!!!

Unknown said...

We barely have a blossom : ( I saw a daffodil today in Philly and I almost caused an accident slowing down and deciding if I should pull over! : ) It is just so flipping cold here still! I am glad you have pink and spring where you are!

debi9kids said...

WISH I had pink snow! Instead, I have actual snow falling right now outside. UGH!

Beautiful pics!

Heidi said...

Dina these are all soooo pretty.

Serline said...

Gorgeous blooms you've captured, but do they always open up so quickly? We've got lots of "pink snow" around here too; every time I walk by, I pretend they are cherry blossoms and say a silent prayer for Japan. Have a blessed weekend!

Raymonde said...

Beautiful Friday to you. Love the gorgeous cat. xxx

Nicole said...

Great photos Dina! I love your second one the most, but of course your kitty is adorable!

allison said...

beautiful!! we're not even close to the pink snow yet. I can't wait!!

deb duty said...

Love your pink snow! My rose bushes just started blooming too. Yay!

FYH said...

Love the "snow"...I can't wait for it to arrive here!

Keara @ Now I Know What Life Is All About said...

Your roses are beautiful! Mine just started blooming too.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Such a lovely rose. V

Abby said...

So pretty! All of the pictures!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

I really love that first shot. Such a pretty color.
Your rose is so pretty.
Girl I always love looking at your photos.

Jamie said...

Those flowers are so beautiful

Kimberly Gauthier, Dog Nutrition Blogger for Keep the Tail Wagging said...

Your flowers are gorgeous. The only thing we have blooming are the blossoms on the trees. I love this time of the year.

The petals is my favorite. I love pink.

Pieni Lintu said...

Lovely flowers!!! :)

Coneflower Ranch said...

I can't wait to have my pink snowflakes fall, today we had the frozen kind, brrrr...

Cute kitty!

Sara McCarty said...

Beautiful pictures and beautiful kitty! We have a calico that loves posing for pictures. These are fantastic!

Rosie@leavesnbloom said...

It's just aswell our cherry blossom isn't out yet as it would be pink snow here with our stormy weather. Love your perspective on that shot Dina.

Michelle said...

Now there's some "snow" I can appreciate! :) Great photos. I tried capturing fallen blossoms the other day, and my pics didn't turn out. Yours looks lovely.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

I wish we were having pink snow ~ we're still getting the white stuff! It looks beautiful to see all the spring flowers in bloom.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

I love the pink flowers from the trees! I've always wanted a magnolia tree, they are so vibrant and well formed. :) Thanks for stopping by!

Simon said...

Love how you gave your roses emotions....and I remember that pink snow-used to get it in PA first of May when I lived in ME...white snow (again) today. Boo-hoo.

Susan Anderson said...

I think I like that pink snow of yours!


Unknown said...

The top photo of the pink petals is my favorite! As much of a mess as the pink blossoms make in my family room, they sure are pretty!

Marsha Young said...

What gorgeous roses! :) They just make my heart smile.

julie said...

Love your dof on your 'pink snow'...great kitty shot! :)

Our Peculiar Lives said...

I love when the flowers start falling! Our trees are just starting to bloom. I can't wait to go walking through the petals on the street soon!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Those are gorgeous! I love the petals on the ground.

Ray said...

Love the first shot!

Dhemz said...

totally gorgeous shot...nice! Hope you can check out mine HERE. Thanks!

Michelle said...

I love that first photo of the smiling rose :D Very pretty!

Natalie said...

AWESOME that the roses went from smiling to laughing! I love how you described it, made me giggle! And the kitty shot is just so great!

One said...

I love your captures especially the last one.

Channal said...

lovely shots... Anna

Diane said...

Great shots! No outdoor flowers here yet. :O)

Photography said...

I just love roses!! Pretty pink petals on the ground too.

Tezzie said...

Love them all <3 And, Molly looks to be a sweet cuddle-bear (and, yeah...pretty jealous of your weather, still ;D)

Nicolle said...
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Nicolle said...

Your roses are beautiful.

I love how you described the first picture as pink snow. I bet your yard looks gorgeous with all of those petals everywhere.

Have a great weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

ooh - that "pink snow" is so much better than the white stuff at this point! :)
Beautiful photos!

Laurie said...

What a beautiful picture "Pink". I don't have pink snow, you're lucky. I love all your pictures.

Jennifer said...

I love these. Beautiful captures Dina! Thank you for participating in Fabulous Friday!