

Back to school time!

School started back today in several of the 
Metro Atlanta counties, and Sam was eager 
to get to his brand new school.  In fact, he 
was awake and sprang out of bed when I 
walked in his room at 6:40AM!

Maybe it was his 2-cool-4-school shoes...

Or, perhaps it was the "warmth" of the school bus...

Whatever it was, it was a big relief!

Linking up with:
Sweet Shot Day



Susan Anderson said... 1

Gotta love those shoes.


Valeria said... 2

Very cool shoes according to Z :)
We still have a few weeks before school, and I guess that it is time to go back and meet new friends.

Amber said... 3

I hope he had a wonderful first day.

I noticed those shoes in the first photo before scrolling down to the second. i thought, "Those are some stylin' shoes."

Cedar said... 4

Oh, first day of school! Glad he is excited to go, especially since it is new! Great shoes!

Buckeroomama said... 5

Tell Sam I really love his shoes! :)

I have one more week before J goes back to school. We
re trying to fit in as much as we can before then.

Ashley Sisk said... 6

Haha - I was just like that! So glad he is enjoying himself.

Tamar SB said... 7

Happy first day to Sam! Hope it was a great one!

Kathleen said... 8

LOVE those new shoes!! We started homeschool today!! Yay for a new year!

Serendipityissweet said... 9

Aw, how sweet! I hope he has a wonderful year!!

Those are some super cool kicks ;)

Anonymous said... 10

How cool. Hope he had a great first day.

More Than Words said... 11

Oh, that is awesome!!!! And what a beautiful morning!

tinajo said... 12

Great shoes - and I´m glad he´s enjoying the school start! So does my boys as well. :-)

Lisa said... 13

Great 1st day pics! Mine started yesterday too! Hope he has a great year!

Run DMT said... 14

Great back to school photos! My girls go back next week. :-(

Anonymous said... 15

First Days are the best! Great shots and way cool shoes!

Kat said... 16

Love the shoes! Happy back to school time!

Liz Mays said... 17

You're lucky that he's so excited about it! I despised the first day of school, and I still cry when they leave.

Oh for the love of...

I started crying just thinking about while writing this comment. I'm hopeless.

Katie said... 18

Oh how awesome he was so excited! My kids start school tomorrow...I can hardly wait! :)

Little Hatchlings said... 19

Wow, school already! Where did the summer go? Don't you just feel like we just got out of school? Hope Sam has a great first day at school.

EMily said... 20

way too cool for school!

Gina Kleinworth said... 21

Oh how exciting for him!!!! I can't wait to hear more about his adventures!

Anonymous said... 22

he's got some pumped up kicks! we dont start school for another 2 weeks and already my daughter is complaining about it. maybe I'll let her know the metro atlanta area already went back!

Keetha Broyles said... 23

Being a teacher who is NOT returning to the classroom this fall is leaving me with ambiguous feelings - - - I MISS so much about it, and yet I'm very thankful for less stress and being able to sleep in later!

Ocean Soul said... 24

School in August?!!! there will definitely be "warmth" on the school bus! LOL. Way to rock those shoes!

LL Cool Joe said... 25

When we were in the States we all got so excited every time we saw a school bus, because that's something you just don't see in the UK!

Rachelle said... 26

Oh, he looks so happy waiting for the bus! I love your porch, btw. I hope the recap of the first day was a good report!

Bunch of Barrons said... 27

Too cute! Glad he's excited!

Unknown said... 28

I can't believe summer is over so soon! Hope he had a great first day back at school!!

Courtney said... 29

My oldest started kindergarten this week. bittersweet. Very nice captures. Always easier when they are happy to go to school.

Unknown said... 30

Cool shoes! Yikes, back to school already? Really? So cute he is so excited about school. Hope it stays that way throughout the year! lol.

Heidi said... 31

I hope Sam is enjoying his new school. I miss seeing you down the street when we drive by your old house.

Kirstin said... 32


Nicolle said... 33

I hope he has a GREAT school year. Love the school bus shots!

Marsha Young said... 34

Happy back-to-school week! Your little guy is too cute.

deb duty said... 35

That's great that he was so excited! I hope he loves his new school.