

Luke the Scholar

Luke went to "school" for the 1st time this week, 
and he couldn't have been more ready.  (So glad 
that runs in this family!)  Check out this pose...

He loves his new blue backpack...

So, we confidently headed out...

Photobucket the hollie rogue

He is soooo much fun!

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli



Lena B, Actually said... 1

He really does look soooo excited! Cute! :)

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 2

He is so cute.

deb duty said... 3

Such a cutie pie! I'm sure he's going to have lots of fun!

Ashley Sisk said... 4

That pose is hilarious!

Tara said... 5

He is such a cutie! He looks like a heart melter too!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said... 6

Oh my goodness... he is too cute! That first pose is priceless! lol

Bossy Betty said... 7

He is ready to move and groove!

Tara said... 8

So so cute, the post is fabulous!

Susan Anderson said... 9

That kid is too cool for school!


Run DMT said... 10

He looks like a fun little lad! Love that pose! What a cutie!

He & Me + 3 said... 11

Omgosh he is so cute. Your days will be different now, but a good different. He is spreading his little wings. I love it. So cute!

Nicolle said... 12

Yay for Luke going to school. He looks super cute in his photos. I love his little backpack too. I should find out in a week or so if Boyd got into the school we have him on the wait list for. If not, I will find another one, for sure. :))

Buckeroomama said... 13

Yay, Luke!! =)

Michelle said... 14

Oh he is just too adorable!

tiarastantrums said... 15

oh my - he totally doesn't look old enough to be in school yet??? where does the time go?

Latree said... 16

yay BIG boy!

andi {the hollie rogue} said... 17

oh my, he's such a cutie! what a big milestone for him and for momma. thanks for linking up, friend!


Leovi said... 18

Beautiful portraits, I love that sweet look.

Kmcblackburn said... 19

Visiting from "Favorite Photo of the Week". Wow...I need to work on portraits more. Great capture!


Susan said... 20

Yep, he sure looks ready to me too!

He's so precious...

Hope your day is blessed!

Anonymous said... 21

Awww. So cute.

My Captivating Life said... 22

What a cutie pie!!!!

Cedar said... 23

So cute! Love his expressions! School is awesome!

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said... 24

Aw, how cute! He's totally ready for school. What a cutie! :)

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said... 25

ready to go! hoping he has a wonderful school year

FYH said... 26

That's a really cool pose!

Gina Kleinworth said... 27

Well congrats on another huge milestone! How exciting for him!

Melanie said... 28

He looks like the coolest dude ever in the 1st pic! I bet your super proud, he's a cutie!

Kathleen said... 29

So glad to hear he had such a great first experience! :)

tinajo said... 30

Oh my goodness how adorable he is - makes my heart melt! :-)