

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

1.  Against the light

(The cats are loving all of our windows!)

And, of course, I had to include some flare...

(I'm loving our Crape Myrtle in the front yard.)

Photography love...

2.  Frame within a frame

(My 2nd attempt at capturing Max in his house.)

3.  Best part of your day

(It's never-ever-ever boring!)

4.  Buttons

(Pile o' texturized buttons.)

5.  Ink

(Luke got a new pen, all the way from San Fransisco.)

And, I thought it a great time to show off my newest ink...

(I've actually had it since Valentine's 2010, in honor of my 
miscarried babies between Sam and Luke.)



Buckeroomama said... 1

I love the way Luke was holding the pen... so adorable! :)

(I got the hat from Osh Kosh for only $2.95!)

Michelle said... 2

Love that button shot as well as the ink cute!

Barbara said... 3

Great shot of your kitty in his house, and really like the processing on the buttons.

scrapinbabygal said... 4

Wonderful photos! I love the one of your son- he is looks like a lot of fun!! And the ink is so creative and priceless tribute to your babies :) Have a good week!

Kalyan Panja said... 5

Simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

Rachelle said... 6

First, I love the new ink and what it symbolizes. Clearly you never have a dull moment with your cuties. And exploring the new house, neighborhood, environment? Oh, it looks like so much fun and so worth the stress of the move!

Tamar SB said... 7

Great collection! Love the texture on your buttons shot and your tattoo is beautiful what a loving thing to have done in the baby's honor.

Susan Anderson said... 8

Your boy is beautiful.

I'm not a big tattoo person, but knowing what yours represents make me like it.


tiarastantrums said... 9

your little man is so cute!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said... 10

What a beautiful way to honor your babies.
That picture of Luke sticking out his tongue just cracked me up.

Kmcblackburn said... 11

Wondeful set. My favorite is your first ink shot. Love the grip you caught of that hand on the pen.


Ashley Sisk said... 12

Your tattoo is really beautiful - and such a great way to honor your miscarried babies. One day you'll see them again.

Gina Kleinworth said... 13

LOVE your ink Mama- it's perfect!

Alita said... 14

Awwww! And I say that because your best part of the day is a cutie. I concur, it is never boring.


MomLaur said... 15

Great set! Love the light one. And that's a great tattoo memory.

Valeria said... 16

Always a great set. Love your tattoo.

Seizing My Day said... 17

sweet ink... beautiful gift to them... blessings!! love the sun flare shot too...

Anonymous said... 18

Love the kitty in a frame within a frame!

Unknown said... 19

These are all such great shots.. of course I just love the kitty shots.

Nicolle said... 20

I'm totally crazy over your tattoo. I love that you showed it off! It's amazing! And, I love what it symbolizes. What a special and emotional piece of art. I love the other photos too....and Luke's sweet/silly face. :)

Anonymous said... 21

Beautiful shots! I really love the texture on the buttons and your tattoo is great, love that it has a special meaning.