As most of you know, we just moved. It was an
amazing blessing, but moving is always tough.
Max is really enjoying his new view, tho...
And, Molly loves all of the windows...
But this is really all that I've been seeing...
Had to share these sweet pics from our last day
at the old house. The boys LOVED packing...

moving with children is always heartbreaking and exciting... I love opening new chapters... but so sentimental about closing old ones! Blessings~
I feel just like Seizing My Day does. Joy and sorrow, all wrapped into one = moving.
Oh my goodness Dina! Look at all those boxes. I do not envy you...such hard work! Good Luck with everything!
Oh I bet your cats are enjoying it for sure...but not necessary the unpacking!
I trust Max's couch made the trip? I hope so! Good luck on the unpacking. Hope your new nest is a happy one!
Ahhh- we have moved more times than I care to admit. I can totally relate- Really enjoying all your photos from your adventure of settling in & really loving your new home!
Moving is NEVER fun - I hope you get settled in quickly and as painlessly as possible.
The mere thought of having to unpack all those boxes made me hyperventilate! We're in the midst of renovating our kitchen and we have boxes all over the place and it's driving me nuts.
Good luck with the unpacking. :)
Love the style of your photos! Looks like you've got a lot of work to do there! :-)
Your boys look so sweet! Good luck with all that unpacking. Moving can be so exciting...and exhausting! Hope you find many blessings in your new place.
Love your photos. Well done!
Oh, God bless you.
Moving is the most hectic thing ever. I do not envy you for one moment. I am going to pray the unpacking fairies come tonight while you are sleeping ; )
Exciting with a new home - though I must say that unpacking and finding new places for everything isn´t my favourite part. Good luck with that! :-)
(Making the home pretty is FUN though!) :-)
I see your boxes and I have flashbacks to all of my moves! Hope you're settling in well!
Wow! Look at all those boxes. That's amazing! Since leaving my parents home, I have lived in a dorm room, a duplex, and now a 1000 square foot home. With such small spaces there just hasn't been that much stuff to move! I can't iamgine!
LOVED the pictures.
And your move looks so organized. When I move (which I have done oveer 20 times in my life) it usually looks like a bomb went off in the house. :)
You are doing sooooo welll !!!
I feel your pain, we moved recently too, lol. Some stuff stayed in boxes waaaay longer than it should have! Love the pics of the boys :)
Aw, I miss that kiddo already! Hard to believe that I won't see his smiling face next week. Hugs to everyone but an extra big one to Sam-I-Am!
PS: I loooove your neighborhood. Super cute! Good luck with unpacking!
Congratulations on your new place!
Congratulations on your new place!
Moving is so, so hard. They say it's one of life's biggest stressers. All those boxes will gone eventually, right?
grrr - moving - not fun!
The end of the unpacking is near... but the rearranging never ends, no? Love the real life captures in those last three shots of the boys.
Hi sweet friend! I really wish I lived closer, I'd be there helping you unpack. I know that's a huge job! :) Love seeing all of the glimpses of your new home. It's beautiful!
Moving is really exciting but also exhausting...if I look at all those boxes...
Yeah, moving is hard, especially when you have only boys around you. I know the feeling ;)
The kitties look happy. The boys look happy. As for all those boxes~I plan on never ever moving again. Good luck getting everything put in its place.
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