

Are you up for some bubbles?

The weather was sooo amazing Monday, that we spent 
time outside after dinner...and Luke brought out his

The Paper Mama

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

P.S.  Do your kids love ZhuZhu Pets?  If so, check this out.



Anonymous said... 1

Wonderful captures. Your boys are so cute.

Ashley Sisk said... 2

I love all the bubbles - but when did he start looking like such a little boy!

Unknown said... 3

These are my MOST favorite pictures you have ever posted. EEEK! LOVE them.

Melanie said... 4

Those are some brilliant bubbles Dina, ANNND Luke + bubbles = too CUTE!

Tamar SB said... 5

That is the coolest bubble wand! So glad the temps are beginning to cool off some for you!

LisaShaw said... 6

Oh I love it...I love it! I'm still a bubbles girl! I introduced them to my Grandgirls and we have a blast with our bubbles!

Luke is just too cute!!!

Love you sister!

Cecily R said... 7

I am ALWAYS up for good bubble shots and these didn't disappoint! They're all great but the look on his face in the last one made me laugh. :)

Dhemz said... 8

it's always fun playing with bubbles...:) mine is up too!

Green with Envy

The Presutti's said... 9

Thanks for stopping by! I love your blog, new follower! I love this post, first because I love bubbles, second because your son is adorable! can't wait to get to know you!

debi10kids said... 10

heehee that last picture made me giggle :)

LOVE the weather we've been having as well. Nice to be out of summer & heading into fall

Kelli @ writing the waves said... 11

Now those are some awesome bubble pics! Love his facial expressions. Too cute. :)

Naomi said... 12

so fun, so cute!!

jon said... 13

what a cutie! i love capturing those seemingly small activities. thanks for linking up!

andi {the hollie rogue} said... 14

and by "jon said" i mean, "andi" :) sorry he was logged in and i didn't know it :)

Run DMT said... 15

Those are great shots, mama! He is so cute!!!

Susan said... 16

Oh, those were so cute. I love watching the kids play with them.

And he is just way too cute!!

Hope you have a blessed day!

Jenny said... 17

Lovin' the bubble fun! Wonderful faces and bubbles, too!

Buckeroomama said... 18

How many bubble wands does Luke have? =)

Such fun pics!

Gina Kleinworth said... 19

So adorable Dina- I just love his sweet face!

Liz Mays said... 20

I love his little air-filled cheeks!

Kim Stevens said... 21

I don't have little ones anymore, mine are teenagers, but I think I'm buying some bubbles!!

These are very sweet!

Anonymous said... 22

Bubbles are the funnest!!

Cute pictures :)

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said... 23

I know I've said it before, but those eyelashes on your Luke just kill me!

Saun said... 24

I love bubbles cute pics...

Susan Anderson said... 25

Bubble: Very good for blowing away troubles.
