

She likes me. She really likes me!

I received another great blogging award from my sweet friend, Lin, aka the Jeweling Junkie. I just love Lin, but I'm jealous of her for two reasons:

1. She lives in Florida
2. She is very talented

So, since I was honored with an award, I need to pass it along to fellow bloggers that I admire/keep up with/enjoy, and they are:

Maggie at The Roe Round Up

Amy at Crunchy Domestic Goddess

Nicolle at Boyd's Crazy Mama


Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

congratulations! and thanks so much for the honor. i have to warn you in advance that i'm notoriously bad about passing on awards, but thank you. :)

Lin said...

So glad you like your award, your too sweet, I am so glad to have you as my friend!!

@nnie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog today. Gotta LOVE those Lukes! Mine is quite a handful. Oh... and Dawn, she seems to know everyone, huh? :) Blessings!!!
and congrats on the award

Anonymous said...

Yea! My first award! Thank you so much Dina!

Nicolle said...

Thank you. My first award also. That is very sweet of you! :))