

A Thousand Words Thursday

Yes. Yes. This photo is definitely worth a 1,000 words because we were tan and relaxed and (oh, so) happy to get a little break from both boys! BUT...the date that night was beyond words. Really. We had the best food and conversation...and we were still tan and relaxed and happy.

It's hard to believe that it was a whole 2 weeks ago. I so miss Pensacola Beach!


April said... 1

Such a cute couple!

Cascia Talbert said... 2

That is a beautiful photo. I love Florida. Maybe someday you will be able to go back.

ג. ג. said... 3

Icelandic summer is not exactly Florida's, but today the turquoise colors of the water made me remember my days at Ft. Lauderdale.

Enjoy your time together.

More Than Words said... 4

You both look good and so tan! A nice, healthy glow!

Mamí♥Picture said... 5

Oh My! That was nice!

Jennifer said... 6

Oh, I wish I were on a beach and relaxed! ;-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning! Hope your Thursday was good!

Suburban Hooker said... 7

You look so happy and tan and fabulous together!!

Emilie said... 8

I totally know what you mean. I love my boys dearly but my hubby and I could really use some time away. We only go on about two dates a year and we miss the "us" time! Great shot!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog & commenting!
Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama

Dawn said... 9

My brother in law's family lives there. I've been there ONCE. It was at Christmas and they actually got snow that morning for the first time in like 25 years! LOL!

But, I have pictures of us on that beach only we have jeans and coats! Hhaha!! I like your picture so much better.

LisaShaw said... 10

You are such a beautiful/handsome couple Dina. I'm so glad you both had a relaxing hubby/wife time together.

Making rounds to share this special 4th of July with my blogging friends. Praise the LORD for our FREEDOM. Blessings to you and your family dear one.

Leslie said... 11

Ahhh, I'm feeling relaxed just looking at that picture. Glad to hear you both had such a wonderful time.

Happy 4th of July!

Nicolle said... 12

You and your husband are such a beautiful couple, inside and out. I LOVE this picture. You look very, very relaxed!!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 13

Aww, what a sweet looking couple! I am glad you had such a wonderful evening. I miss the beach too!

Night Owl Mama said... 14

Beautiful photo of you two. I want to Thank you for voting on my essay I can't thank you enough.