

Wordless Wednesday

I was looking back at some "old" photos and came across this. I always loved it...


I am Harriet said... 1

Wow. that is beautiful!

Have a wonderful Wordless Wednesday!

Anonymous said... 2

WW does have a way of making us go back to old photos. Nice shot you got here..

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 3

Beautiful peaceful shot.

Kelli W said... 4

Beautiful shot!

Unknown said... 5

I can see why it's beautiful!

a49erfangirl said... 6

This is beautiful!

Pollyanna said... 7

Love it, especially the relection of the setting sun.

@nnie said... 8

wow that is peaceful. it's calling my name!!!

Anonymous said... 9

Beautiful! Happy WW!

tiarastantrums said... 10

gorgeous shot

Nicolle said... 11

that might be one of the most relaxing and beautiful photos I've seen in a long time. love it!

Susan Cook said... 12

Beautiful picture. I'd love to look at that view!

Happy WW!

Grampy said... 13

Very beautiful I just love a boat scene.

Beth F said... 14

I can see why you loved it! Super.

LisaShaw said... 15

I could stare at that a few minutes. BEAUTIFUL!

Thanks for sharing with us dear sister.

More Than Words said... 16

I love it too!!! How beautiful, Dina!!

Stacy Uncorked said... 17

That is absolutely beautiful!! It's one of those spectacular shots you could blow up and frame! :)

Happy WW! :)

Mrs4444 said... 18

I love it, too. I especially love the reflections on the water...

JennyMac said... 19

Gorgeous pic!

He & Me + 3 said... 20

Looks like a puzzle. just beautiful.

Cascia Talbert said... 21

That is a beautiful photo.

Sara Elizabeth said... 22

Beautiful photo! Happy WW!

Angela @ Nine More Months said... 23

Gorgeous. Reminds me of being back home in the keys...