This FF isn't long b/c I've been really busy with Luke the past two days.
He has pneumonia!
Poor little guy wasn't even sick, and all of a sudden had some crazy symptoms. My gut told me that something wasn't right so we took him right over to his doctor. After a finger-stick, then full blood work and chest x-rays, we learned the truth. After all of that, he had to get a shot. It was pitiful, but he seems to be feeling better.
The model shoot contest is on, so if you want to vote for him (or any of the other cuties), look above this post.
He has pneumonia!
Poor little guy wasn't even sick, and all of a sudden had some crazy symptoms. My gut told me that something wasn't right so we took him right over to his doctor. After a finger-stick, then full blood work and chest x-rays, we learned the truth. After all of that, he had to get a shot. It was pitiful, but he seems to be feeling better.
The model shoot contest is on, so if you want to vote for him (or any of the other cuties), look above this post.
We got a special surprise at Noelle's birthday party last Sunday. A friend snapped this family photo. We have so few, that I was super excited to see it. And, yes. I changed my hair.
Today is my first big day since on the PTA since deciding to chair a committee. It's Spirit Day, so all of the kids are supposed to wear school t-shirts or shirts with the school colors of red, white and blue.
Classes with full participation, get a special prize, which I get to deliver. My good friend Beth is helping me out, so it should be a lot of fun.
Today is my first big day since on the PTA since deciding to chair a committee. It's Spirit Day, so all of the kids are supposed to wear school t-shirts or shirts with the school colors of red, white and blue.
Classes with full participation, get a special prize, which I get to deliver. My good friend Beth is helping me out, so it should be a lot of fun.
Our garden has done very well this year, but my favorites have been the peppers. We've had quite a few to enjoy, plus we finally had a red bell pepper!
Isn't it a beauty?
Our garden has done very well this year, but my favorites have been the peppers. We've had quite a few to enjoy, plus we finally had a red bell pepper!
Isn't it a beauty?

Poor little Luke. He must be miserable. Sending hugs to him! ((hugs))
Beautiful family photo!!! I love it. You are so beautiful.
That is a fine lookin' pepper. That is awesome that your garden is so successful.
I hope Luke feels better!! Poor lil' guy! I will keep him in my prayers!!!
Hi Dina! Long time no see! You and your family are looking awesome :) And I must say so jealous of your pepper - I tried my hand at gardening this year with like zero success except for one little sad tomato that I guess the critters looked past or forgot to eat LOL. There is always next year! You keep in touch with any of the ladies from the Bible study we did all those years ago? I did find Anna Pamperin on Facebook which was cool! Anyway, keep up the beautiful blog! :)
Hi Dina!
I have finally clean up my bloggy list of the people I follow, Now it is pretty easy to catch up on the blog I really like, =)
Long time no see! but know that my kiddos are in school I have more time to stop by my lovely friends blogs.
Hope Luke is feeling better!
What a delicious red pepper you have there!
Well have a Lovely Weekend =)
BTW I voted for number 7!!!
Sorry to hear about Luke's illness. I hope he heals quickly. Pneumonia is one scary thing!
Your family photo is awesome - what a lovely family you have!
I voted. Good luck!
Poor baby. Hope he feels better soon. I voted!
Hope Luke is feeling better very soon! *hugs*
Happy Friday!
I love the red pepper!
Love you hair! So cute. And the family photo is awesome.
I'm so sad to hear that sweet Luke is sick. I am saying an extra prayer for him and all of you. I hope he gets well soon!
Pneumonia is the worst. I can't believe Luke has to suffer through it. So sorry.
That red bell pepper is beautiful.
The bell pepper is absolutely beautiful! I have really come to like those in the last few years!
I voted for Luke. Good luck. :)
I sure hope he feels better really soon!
Awww! Poor Luke - hope he feels better soon! Can we vote more than once for him, BTW? :)
Love that family photo and love what you've done to your hair! :)
That pepper looks awesome! :)
Happy FF! :)
I hope Luke feels better ASAP, pneumonia is the pits!
Your bell pepper is gorgeous. I got some orange ones from the market this week, but I do think plucking them from your own garden is better.
I love your family picture!
I love your pepper : )
I love the picture in the contest!
And I totally love Georgia girls : )
Poor Luke! Hope he gets better soon! (I just voted for him again on a different computer, btw. I hope he wins!!)
And what a cute family picture...I love Sam's hair. Your boys are adorable!!
Oh and what a perfect pepper...impressive! It looks fake. :)
Yes, it IS beautiful, but nowhere near as beautiful as that family of yours. The same thing happened to Kyle when he was a baby-I felt terrible. Who gets pneumonia in the summer, anyway?! Sheesh. HOpe your little guy is feeling better...
Poor baby. :(
Seems like pnemonia is popular this summer. The 7 year old I nanny for had it this summer too.
Great family pic!
Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope that your little one gets better soon!
Love the family photo!!! And I really hope Hope Handsome is feeling better soon!
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