

Wordless Wednesday

Model town at Tellus Science Museum


Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Cool model. Love the shots.

I am Harriet said...

That is so neat!
Happy Wordless Wednesday

Liz Mays said...

I thought that was real until you said it was a model. That is neat!

Shelby said...

Very cool! My younger son would have loved to see this.

Thanks for stopping by Schweri Stories today. Hope you are having a great summer!

Kelli W said...

What neat pictures!

He & Me + 3 said...

Very cool pictures.

Claremont First Ward said...

That's very cool!

Anonymous said...

How fun, I thought they were old photographs of a real town!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

WOW, it really looks like a shot from the top of a hill of a real life-size town! Great job!

More Than Words said...

Oh how cool!! LOL, I thought those were old pictures!!

tiarastantrums said...

really cool

If I Could Escape . . . said...

Wow, I feel like I'm 2 inches tall and really there! Happy WW!

Cascia Talbert said...

That is cool. It looks so real.

Tracey said...

That is cool~ Kid of like a satelite shot~ Really neat~

Dawn said...

I thought it was real too!! That's incredible!

Sara Elizabeth said...

How cool!! When I first looked at these photos, I thought it was an actual town. Great photos. I would love that museum. I am a big toy train fan, and mini towns like this remind me of toy train decorations. :o)

Frizzy said...

Nice of you to stop by and comment today. How did you find me? I never would have thought this was a model town. I figured it was an old archival picture.

Unknown said...

that looks real! seriosuly it's a model? wow