

i heart faces

This week's theme at is "contemplative". Well, my boys are both thinkers so I had several to choose from. Without a doubt, tho, this is one of my faves. (I just love the little tear.)

Luke is so loving. He always needs a hug when he gets hurt and when he gets in trouble. This photo was captured after the latter. I can't remember what he did, but once we scolded him, he primped up and cried. Neil immediately picked him up and then he just held tight for at least 5 minutes. It was so sweet that I ran and got my camera.

I even remember saying at the time, "It's like he's laying there thinking about what he did wrong."

To see more contemplative captures or to play along, click HERE!


Liz Mays said... 1

I love it! Look at the sweet little button nose and yes, that little tear is just too much.

Very nice photo!

He & Me + 3 said... 2

Awww, what a sweet baby, those tears are so precious.

@nnie said... 3

Love those Lukes!!!

Bridgette said... 4


Clive and Dawn said... 5

very nice photo! makes ME want to give him a hug!

MadeInCanarias said... 6

What a cutie!

tiff(threeringcircus) said... 7

Awwww, such sweetness.

tiarastantrums said... 8

very sweet photo

the monkeys' mama said... 9

CUTE! I'm hoping his contemplating the scolding kept him out of trouble for awhile...

Emily said... 10

Precious. I love the little tear too. With this face, I'm sure he wasn't in trouble for very long. :-)

Niecey said... 11

Aw so cute. That little tear is precious. bless.

Cascia Talbert said... 12

That is a beautiful photo. He's a cutie.

Mike said... 13

Then they grow up to say: "Don't hug me because I'm a big boy now."



Twitter: AboutParenting

sarah @ life {sweet} life said... 14

What a sweet picture...I love it! :)

Maureen said... 15

Awwww what a cute lil' man! Great shot & entry for the theme.