I didn't include it last Friday b/c it was just too "real", but now I can say that both kitties are at The Rainbow Bridge. We put Abby down on the 18th, as her cancer had spread to her nervous system and she could no longer walk or eat.
I just picked up her urns and they are equally as beautiful as Aja's. (Dream Land performed the cremation and I couldn't be happier with the results.) Sam chose metal hearts for Abby and stone hearts for Aja, since they were so different, just like the cats.

I know you are blog-friends with that Random Cool Chick, Stacy. So, did you order your wine?
I just got mine in the mail and I can't wait to try it. Blackberry Merlot...yum!

I am in love with her disclaimer...

My best deal of the week was 11 pairs of super-cute undies from Victoria's Secret for only $25. Without my great coupons, the total would've been right at $90!
I took the boys to Burger King over the weekend and they both got "crowns". Well, I wish I had waited to give Luke his crown for his birthday. He absolutely loves it! It cracks me up b/c I will just look up and he's wearing it proudly.
Have a wonderful Fall weekend!!

May your kitties rest in peace. Those stones are so sweet.
That label on Stacy's wine is so cute! Let us know how yummy it is!!!!
Luke is so cute with his little crown on.
Happy FF!
I'm sorry you've had such sad good-byes recently.
Drink some of that wine for me this week-end, okay?
Love those crowns. They may be the smartest invention BK has had to date :)
Yeah for the VS deal!!
Btw...if Brittany can wear UGGS in HOT California, I think you should be able to wear them in GA!!
MM, that wine sounds delish! You'll have to tell us how it is and the disclaimer is soo funny!
The boys are so cute and growing so much. :)
And I am sorry to hear about your kitty. I do love the urns you chose though, beautiful. *hugs*
Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by!!
Your boy is super cute!
Sorry about your Kitty =( the stones are so Precious!
It's really sad about your cats but they make those urns so beautiful for them.
Your boys and their crowns are so cute!
omg, that wine...I can't wait to try some one day!
I'm sorry about your kitties. :( Beautiful stones!
GREAT deal on the undies...I need to get some coupons! :)
I'm so sorry about your kitties -- I miss my T. Tucker the Terrible Tabby and Snickerdoodles so much -- they become family, of course. The urns are beautiful!
I LOVE the crowns : ) Isn't it fun when they are excited about something! Great deal on the undies! I am sorry about your kitties but I LOVE the hearts. VERY cool!
Kids are so funny....my youngest son has a krispy-kreme hat that he loves!!
So sorry to hear about your kitties. My kitty is getting so old and I just get choked up thinking about what I'm going to do when something happens to him.
Why wouldn't he want to wear his crown? He looks so darn regal and respectable in it and it transforms any outfit from casual to formal. I think he's on to something.
I'm sorry your kitty didn't make it. Those stones are lovely though, what a neat idea.
I love the Burger King crowns! I'd wear mine everywhere too if I had one *L*
I am sorry for the loss of your kitties...
$25 for all those panties that is a great deal!
Look at those BK crowns on those precious babies
Happy friday
Sorry about your loss. The urns are lovely.
How awesome about the wine! The disclaimer is hysterical!
Sorry about your cats, that's so sad.
But great deal at VS - what a steal.
I love the shot on your princes!
And I'll have to check out Stacy, that disclaimer is hilarious!
Happy Weekend.
I'm so so very sorry to hear that you've now lost both of your precious cats. I'm sending you happy thoughts. I hope you are doing ok.
Love the wine bottle!
The boys look cute with their crowns on!
I'm so sorry about your kitties. :( :(
Great VS deal!
Kinda makes me wished I drank (the wine). She puts a lot of TLC into, doesn't she? :) Sorry about your pet :(
Awwww! I'm so sorry about your other kitty, too. Those hearts are wonderful!
Glad the wine made it safe and sound! I always worry about that! :)
LOVE Luke's crown - and that he is still wearing it! :)
Happy FF very late...I'm still playing catch-up! :)
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