

Fragmented Freewrite #14

Boo! Can you believe that it's nearly time for Halloween??? Seriously.

Here are some of our decorations...


I sent out the prize from my recent giveaway, and I sure hope that Tanya enjoys her notecards.

After "getting to know her" via her blog, I decided to create a variety of sizes and themes. Here are the 3 sets that I came up with...

Oh, and by the way...

I've gotten really into "making jewelry", as I like to call it. Of course, there is soooo much cool stuff at Michael's these days, that it doesn't really involve much work!

Anyway, I'm planning to do another giveaway in a couple weeks for a handmade necklace AND some notecards. Perfect for a Christmas gift! Stay tuned...


Remember that photo that Sam entered in the Reflections contest? Well, in case you don' it is again...

Guess what??? He WON 1st PLACE in his division!! His school will have a ceremony next week, where he'll receive a medal. And, now his photo will go on to compete at the county level. Not bad for a 5-year old, huh!?!


He was SO excited. I was SOOO excited.


Remember how much I was looking forward to last weekend? Well, we did get out, but it was really cold and very windy. Not quite what we were expecting. You can see some photos HERE.


Have a great weekend!


Wonderful World of Weiners said... 1

Congrats to the budding photog!!! How cool!!!


Kathleen said... 2

Wow! Way to go, Sam!! How cool is that? Taking after his mama!!

Unknown said... 3

Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your cute Halloween decorations. Isn't this a great time of year!

LivingSimply, SimplyLiving said... 4

That is some great photo..CONGRATZ!

Cat said... 5

Go Sam!! I love your decorations, they're so cute! And your blog header is pretty cool too :-)

Eyeglasses & Endzones said... 6

Wow! That is soo awesome that he will get a medal and that he will move onto county!!! ;)

Unknown said... 7

Oh my gosh! Just clapped my hands with glee for Sam! Way to go Sam Lettre! That kid is the COOLEST! SO happy for him! And for you. I just know you are beaming with pride!

Claudya Martinez said... 8

The cards are fantastic I love them, especially the owl.

And I am giving Sam a standing ovation.

Liz Mays said... 9

How completely exciting for your son!!!!

Anonymous said... 10

That photo is awesome and so great that he WON!

mub said... 11

I'm so excited that Sam won the photo contest! I'd been wondering about that the other day (yah, random I know *L*).

Your decorations make me smile. I'm such a party pooper, I don't have any Halloween stuff up! I'll just make the excuse that it's not really celebrated here instead of fessing up that I've just been lazy ;)

Sara Elizabeth said... 12

Congrats to Sam for winning 1st place! That is awesome. :)

I am so excited for Halloween! I love the fall. I just love it.

Mamí♥Picture said... 13

Love all your decorations =)
Now I am going to go check your photos!
Have a Lovely Day!!!

LisaShaw said... 14

Hi dear sister! Congratulations to your precious son. You just have the most precious children Dina and I know you already know that (smile). You can expect great things for your children in Jesus Name.

Love and hugs.

Mrs4444 said... 15

You're so thoughtful; the cards are beautiful.

We are big fans of Halloween around here, too. I re-posted Mr.4444's Elf video today, along with our costumes from this year, in case you're interested...

I'm so happy for your talented boy! That he even saw the beauty and took that shot says a lot about him :)