I love Halloween. Theboys typically have a couple costumes b/c we don't want to reveal the big one before the 31st!
Sam is so into crafting that we tried these cute ghost necklaces that I saw on a blog. They only require wire (hair pin or paper clip), white glue and "embellishments". All in all, we thought they were fun and this one was our favorite...

Did you "Boo" anyone this year? Did you get Boo-ed????

We did! And, it was a ton of fun. After getting Boo-ed, Sam was super excited to create his own bags for unsuspecting friends. Here's what he came up with...

Dropping them off was just as much fun as getting one, so next year, he wants "to do fifteen bags"!
Our garden is finally on its last leg. Sadly, it's just getting too cool (in the mornings) for tomatoes and peppers. But we did have the opportunity to pull up some of our peanuts! It was so cool to see these....

Sam received his medal for his winning photo. Here's the group...

And, the proud boy...

And, finally a couple recent photos of our sweet little fur babies. Aren't they cute???

Have a wonderful Hallo-weekend!!

Love the getting boo-ed idea!! And what a giving boy who wants to do even more next year!
Way to go, Sam!
And what cute kitties!
Beautiful picture of you son. He's very cute.
That ghost necklace is really cool! Princess Nagger would probably love to make one of those! :)
Sadly we don't live in a normal suburb type area where we would have the privilege of getting Boo'd or booing others. We don't even get any trick-or-treaters and end up taking Princess Nagger to a 'real' suburb neighborhood so she can enjoy the fun. :) Very cool bags Sam made - and too cool he wants to do MORE next year! :)
You grow PEANUTS?? How cool!! I might have to do that next year - I like to grow unique things, and that definitely fits right in! :)
Your son is ADORABLE! Look at how proud he is of his medal! :)
Your fur babies are CUTE! LOVE that picture of Molly - it's like she's posing for the camera! :)
Happy FF - have a GREAT weekend! :)
We got boo-ed too. I have to make ghost today and deliver it...I forgot! :)
That ghost necklace is adorable!
Peanut!? Neato!
I love Halloween too.
Adorable kitties! I love how they have different color eyes. Molly is adorable.
Congrats to your son on his award!! He is so handsome!!
I love the ghost. I think you are a crafting genius : ) Oh yes I do!
Sam is SO cute. Ridiculously cute. Holy Cow so cute. I am so proud of him!
I always love coming here. Such a happy place!
Absolutely wonderful for Sam. I'm so glad they gave him a medal. That ghost necklace is cute!
Yes, I have been boo-ed before. Well, not this year because the kids are too old. But it was so much fun. I still have the ghost and the poem on a printout in case I ever want to use it. :)
OMG! The medal is quite impressive.
Crazy cute necklace!!! I love it!!
Kitties!!! :)
That ghost necklace looks cute!
Yes, the kitties are adorable. Can't say that I miss cleaning our litterbox, though...
I love that group photo of the kids-it's really great. Congrats to your boy :)
Are you pulling my leg? Do peanuts really grow in the dirt? (I feel really dumb.)
We call it "ghosting" in these parts, and you're right--it's so much fun to be sneaky and run away after ringing doorbells for a good cause! :)
Happy Halloween!!
Those Kitties are so ADORABLE!!
Peanuts! Wow! that was so cool!
and CONGRATS to Sam on his award!
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