

i heart faces

This week's theme at is "Sweet Dreams".

Love this theme b/c I have some super sweet sleepy shots of the boys. This one is a favorite, tho, because of the contrast of Sam's curls and his Hulk pajamas...

To see more dreamy photos or to play along, click HERE.


He & Me + 3 said... 1

Too cute and sweet.

LisaShaw said... 2

Oh so cute!!! Oh my goodness!!! Love it.

Liz Mays said... 3

What a sweet, sweet face!

Dawn said... 4

What a great sleep shot!! Seriously, Dina, your boys are gorgeous!!!

Kathleen said... 5

Oh, there's nothing sweeter than a sleeping child! Great shot!

the monkeys' mama said... 6

Exactly what i wanted to say--the contrast is awesome--curls and hulk--what could be better? He looks so sweet sleeping there, too!

Buckeroomama said... 7

He looks so angelic. Love the hand on his cheek. :)

Brooke said... 8

He looks so peaceful....definitely having some sweet dreams.

Tezzie said... 9

What a sweet picture! You're absolutely right about the contrast...I find that as boys get older, we tend usually only to get to see their inner sweetness when they're asleep. It's the Hulk we get to see during waking hours...great pic!

Unknown said... 10

Dina, he is such a beautiful sleeper. I love the contrast of the pj's and the hair also. I noticed it right away. Very nice!

Sarah said... 11

That's so cute! I love what you said about curls & hulk pajamas, that's adorable! :D

It's The Young's Y'all said... 12

Sam looks so sweet! I love it!

Unknown said... 13

Adorable! I love those sleeping kids... mostly because they're asleep. But they're pretty stinkin' cute, too! Great photo!

kel said... 14


Carly said... 15

Cute shot. It looks great in black and white!

jennykate77 said... 16

AWE! So sweet!!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said... 17

What a sweet picture!! LOVE those curls. :)

Julie Rivera said... 18

The peacefulness of the image is what grabbed me. I want to sleep so well!

Sara Elizabeth said... 19

What a sweet sleepy boy. This photo is so sweet.

Rebecca said... 20

i love the curls too!
adorable shot.

Mrs4444 said... 21

Both of these shots are terrific.