

Sam reads The Grinch - part 3

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More Than Words said... 1

Okay, now I see it!! What a great video, and he is a good reader! LOL @ little brother in the background. He looks unfazed!! Love it!

Tell him, great job!! We used to have all those books when I was little too.

Sara Elizabeth said... 2

Oh. My. Word. He is too cute!! I loved hearing little Luke in the background, too.

Merry Christmas to you all, Dina. :)

Sarah at SmallWorld said... 3


Jana said... 4

Great job reading! Super job reading through lil one in the background too! Impressive!!

@nnie said... 5

what a great post ~ you'll be really glad you have that someday!!

Run DMT said... 6

How sweet! What a great reader! Have a Merry Christmas! :-)

Susie said... 7

That is fantastic!! Merry Christmas to you and yours:-)

CARMEN said... 8

So lovely! Happy holiday and Merry Christmas!
Greetings from Germany + Romania

He & Me + 3 said... 9

That little voice in the background was so sweet too. What great expression! So cute.

RecycleCindy said... 10

Stopped in for a visit on this Wordless Wednesday. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!