

Wordless Wednesday

The Christmas card photo battle shoot...


Sara Elizabeth said... 1

They are such sweet, cute boys!! The second one is so precious.

Dumb Mom said... 2

You have to enter my contest! Have to! Check it out, you could totally win with these:)

Quasi Serendipita said... 3

Cute shots!

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 4

Looks about right. Hope you got a good one.

Jen said... 5

Yup, that's pretty much how it goes.

Laura@SouthernPirates said... 6

Love it ...such joy

Liz Mays said... 7

I hope you're just hiding the shot that worked. Because I'm hoping there was a shot that worked!

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said... 8

Too cute! I love that age. Perfect for all the Christmas magic! :0)

I saw your comment on another site, Quasi Serendipita, and noticed that you are from Georgia, too, so I thought I would stop by. I think I might have been by before because your blog looks familiar. I really like it!

I hope you'll come by and visit me sometime soon!

Have a nice, albeit wet, day!


Teresa <><

Kelli W said... 9

Cute! That is how most of our photo shoots go too!

If I Could Escape . . . said... 10

Love it!! Happy WW!!

tiarastantrums said... 11

oh man - I hear you - I gave up - no cards this year!

Kati said... 12

That is pretty much what card attempts look like here as well!!

Stacy Uncorked said... 13

That is just way too funny (and cute) for words!! I'm hoping to get the tree decorated today so I can get pics of the Princess Nagger in front of it for cards...maybe I'll actually get cards out in time for Christmas instead of New Year this year! ;)

kel said... 14

I love crazy christmas shoot shots!! Think of the memories you will have when you look back at those years from now!!

sheila said... 15

I would SO use those on a card with the good one you pick. One of those four photo cards! SO funny!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said... 16

haha!! i bet that was quite the workout. :) can't wait to see what you went with!

Cascia Talbert said... 17

That is funny! I have something similar on my blog today too.

Nancy C said... 18

That is what life with boys is really like. How fun!

More Than Words said... 19

This made me smile because I know this all too well!! It takes FOREVER AND A DAY for me to take a good Christmas picture of my kids. Let's just say there's alot of yelling going on!

Run DMT said... 20

LOL That's awesome! I think the last one is my favorite. Poor mama. Christmas photos are never an easy task. :-P

Nicolle said... 21

Cute. I love these!!!

He & Me + 3 said... 22

Oh those are classic. Love them all.

jennykate77 said... 23

So so cute!!!

Anonymous said... 24


Unknown said... 25

Ha Ha Ha HA! : )