

Wordless Wednesday


Captured at Ripley's Aquarium in Tennessee


Mamí♥Picture said... 1

Wow!! what a cool shot!

More Than Words said... 2

Are those the scary jelly fish???

CARMEN said... 3

absolutely sensational!
Happy WW! and Happy New Year! :-) ( )

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said... 4

I love that! The jellyfish aquarium-thingy at Sea World in FL was one of my favorite things. They are amazingly beautiful.

Robyn Jones said... 5

Cool shot! Happy New Yeats!

LAC said... 6

That is still one of my favorite aquariums, even better than Baltimore, Newport, KY and Georgia. I have a similar jellyfish shot from that exact spot. Thanks for the reminder of a great vacation. Happy New Year.

BK said... 7

Beautiful jelly fishes.

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 8

Pretty capture.

Honey Mommy said... 9

That is so cool! I love the details of the jelly fishes.

Julie From Momspective (W/Linky) said... 10

Hope you had a wonderful holiday and enjoy ringing in the new year! Have a great Wordless Wednesday!
Hope you enjoy my potentially offensive yet absolutely hilarious WW this week!

Buckeroomama said... 11

Wow! Jellyfish make for really cool shots. :)

He & Me + 3 said... 12

That is the coolest picture. Great shot.

Kelli W said... 13

My favorite place to see a jellyfish is in a picture or an aquarium:)

Stacy Uncorked said... 14

That is an amazing capture, Dina! Love it! :)

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... 15

Beautiful photo!!

Have a happy new year!

Nancy C said... 16

Jellyfish are some of the most gorgeous things in the long as they stay behind glass.

Anonymous said... 17


Nicolle said... 18

Dina, that is just gorgeous. What a photo! That one I would frame for sure! :)