I've got a review and giveaway coming up that you don't want to miss. Especially, if you 're looking for beautiful mail boxes or some cool toys or great baby gear.
Stay tuned for more details!
We enjoyed our "snow" last week, but now I'm soooo over the cold. Where are the normal January temps for Georgia???
If you see them, send them my way!
I'm finally having my gallbladder removed, after 3 years of trouble. I kept putting it off, but now Iam ECSTATIC to go gallbladder-less!! The amazing surgeon (or Gallbladder Guru, as I like to call him) will also repair my post-pregnancy hernia. Woohoo...it's a 2-for-1 deal!
Looking very forward to February 4th.
Sam and his friends enjoyed the party at CEC. Tons of tokens and tickets for everyone, plus a good night's sleep.
Neil and I have a date night Saturday with some fun friends.
Hope you have something good planned, too!

Wishing you a speedy recovery come Feb. 4th. Have a great 3 day weekend!
My only plan for the weekend is to spend Sunday afternoon at the beach and then meet up there with some blog-friends from Hoyden About Town for dinner.
Enjoy your date night!
It's a four day weekend here, they added in a teacher workday!
If you find those warm temps, please send them down to Florida!
Good luck with the surgery.
I'm glad you're getting your problematic gallbladder taken care of (which is not the same as me being glad you're going under the knife, just to clarify *L*)!
It looks like everyone had fun at the party... I can't even remember the last time I went to CEC!
Enjoy your date night! We have ours every Sat now, but usually it's just dinner out. Now that we know the kids can survive without us having to tuck them in, we might take in a movie now and then, too! :)
I'm glad you're finally taking care of your gallbladder issues. You'll feel so much better!
The party looked fun. I did that one year and it was terrific!
Good luck on February 4th! My sister had hers out and feels soooo much better! Plus Feb 4 is a good day, my little MR turns 4 on that day! :)
A 2-for-1 surgery made me laugh! Best wishes with your recovery.
Your party looked like a great success. Good job, Mom!
The party looks like a ton of fun! My boys love CEC...me, not so much! I hope everything goes well with your surgery!
date night sounds divine!
I have not been to CEC in ages maybe it's time...great Pics !
ohhhh RIP Bob!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
I'm looking forward to the giveaway! :)
Hope you enjoy your 3 day weekend. We have a busy one planned.
I will be praying for your surgery.
I always had my birthday party at Chuck E Cheese as a kid! But that was back when they had the giant ball pit. That thing was great (but so full of germs...lol!)
Oh no! Your hermit crab died? We just got back from Kaishon's party at the bounce place. He is exhausted! YAY! That is one good thing about those parties, right? : )
Nice to hear that Feb. 4th will be a good day for you! Looks like you have yourself 112 followers now! Nice to have run across your blog!
Two for one, huh? Nice.... Glad your date night went well. Looks like the kids had fun at the outing, too; what a fun place!
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