

Fragmented Freewrite # 27

Mommy's Idea

This makes me SO happy...

...both of my boys (6-years and almost 2) engrossed in Tom & Jerry.


My surgery is only 1 week away!! I'm still excited.


This was conference week for Sam, so he got out 2 hours early each day. I also had my conference on Monday and it was great. His teacher praised both his academic and social skills. She also said that he is very chivalrous, as he opens doors and pulls out chairs for the teachers.

Gotta love that boy.


Picked up this super cute Easter basket for Luke. I've always had a thing for sock monkeys, and tho it's not the caliber of one of Kim's monkeys, I love it!


We have another chance of snow tonight. It would be the perfect situation so I hope we get a bit.

Have a fantabulous last weekend of January 2010!


Anonymous said... 1

Love the picture of the boys. Here's hoping for snow for you...

Anonymous said... 2

The kids I nanny for LOVE Tom and Jerry!

Caution/Lisa said... 3

We love Tom and Jerry here. Just love them and anything sock monkey works, too! I love that basket and think I could find lots of uses for it here!!

Buckeroomama said... 4

It's always great to see siblings doing something together!

I love that Easter basket you got! Guess it's not too early to start looking around for a nice one for mine. :)

Nicolle said... 5

Oh yes, I LOVE the sock monkey basket. I will be looking for one here!

The picture of the boys watching cartoons is ADORABLE!

have a good weekend!

won said... 6

How sweet for Sam! Love that report.

brainella said... 7

I am also hoping for snow though I'm thinking only the North GA mountains are going to get it. It's fun to hope! ;)

Mamí♥Picture said... 8

aww that easter basket is 2 stinky CÜtE...♥iLuv it!

Stefany said... 9

Awww, they are so cute! I love when the kids get along.

Good luck getting some snow!!!

Mom With A Pen said... 10

I didn't know about the chance of snow...really? Oh and Sam really is chivalrous. You guys have done well! Surgery???

Claudya Martinez said... 11

I adore that basket. Oh you just got me all excited about putting together an Easter basket for my daughter.

jp said... 12

cute picture :)and GOOD LUCK with your surgery!

Mrs4444 said... 13

Awww. What a little sweetheart! Good job, Sam!

The basket is adorable.

I'm excited for you; the surgery is going to go well. Wish I could send you a casserole or something!

I hope you get enough for a snowman :)

mub said... 14

That Easter bucket is way too funny! I love it =D Thanks for the mention... I have been trying to come up with new silly monkey ideas but I'm kindof a slacker and haven't been doing much with it.

Good luck with your surgery! Are they doing a laparoscopic removal? One of my friends had hers out that way and we always laughed that they pulled her gallbladder out through her belly button.

Nancy C said... 15

Sending prayers for your surgery.

tattytiara said... 16

Cat vs mouse - timeless. What a cute photo!