

It's not nice to point...

The Paper Mama
Going back to this photo on my blog for The Paper Mama's "fingerprint" challenge...


He's SO hard to capture these days. (Darn those 2's!) Still...I love how this turned out! Hope you do, too.



Secret Mom Thoughts said... 1

Lovely shot and you got a cute face in it too.

Heidi said... 2

This picture is too cute.

He & Me + 3 said... 3

I think it turned out so cute. Love it.

Amy said... 4

His shirt looks sort of camoflauge and with his finger pointing it looks as if he's saying "We want you to join the army!" Lol! Great picture!

BlondeShot Creative said... 5

what a commanding finger! cute shot

Kate said... 6

I love this shot. The DOF is amazing as is the clarity. Great image!

Courtney Brake said... 7

Great picture!
My son is so difficult to get pictures of now too :)

Kelsey said... 8

I get that from my 2 yr old a lot :)

Julie Rivera said... 9

Like someone else said, it looks like the Uncle Sam pictures and you son wants us for the Army!

Claudya Martinez said... 10

You pointing at me?!

Jenn said... 11

What a cute little guy. Great shot.

Run DMT said... 12

I'm visiting today from I Heart Faces. What a cute photo! :-)

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 13

So very sweet! I've missed your little guys faces. Great captures as well, I love the focal point!

Nicolle said... 14

That picture did turn out great. I love it!

Teapots & Robots said... 15

super fun shot!

Mamí♥Picture said... 16

aww I love that shot....♥♥♥

Mrs4444 said... 17

Absolutely adorable. I love it.

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said... 18

He he such a great capture!!

Chelsey - The Paper Mama said... 19

Oh, this is very sweet!

FYH said... 20

This is a real "fingerprint" :-)
Great shot!

Buckeroomama said... 21

"I want YOU! Yes, YOU!"

LOL! I love this shot! :)

Anonymous said... 22

Very cool shot! Yes 2 year olds are very hard to capture.

Little Hatchlings said... 23

I LOVE this shot! always! :)