

Wordless Wednesday


Georgia's winter sky


More Than Words said... 1

I love pictures of the sky! Gorgeous!

Buckeroomama said... 2

Is that tiny speck there on the cloud a plane?

Anonymous said... 3


Silke Powers said... 4

That's gorgeous!! Love that Georgia sky... :) Silke

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 5

Beautiful sky shot.

mub said... 6

This is such a lovely picture! I love that you can see the rays of light peeking through the clouds.

annies home said... 7

what a great sky picture

BK said... 8

Inspiration in the sky!

LisaShaw said... 9

WOW!!! Awesome!!! Thank you for sharing.

serline said... 10

Great sky!

Christine said... 11

WOW, look a that! To think you had your camera in your hand at this exact moment!?

Anonymous said... 12

Looks like heaven!

If I Could Escape . . . said... 13

Glorious!! Great photo!

He & Me + 3 said... 14

That is the coolest picture ever. Love the rainbow in the clouds. Cool.

Serendipity said... 15

That's beautiful! Happy WW :)

Dawn said... 16

Great shot Dina!!!

Mamí♥Picture said... 17

wow beautiful clouds and iLuv the sun flare...♥

Stacy Uncorked said... 18

Stunningly beautiful, Dina!

Nicolle said... 19

Beautiful. I can always see God in pictures like that!

Praying for you today, sweet friend! I hope all goes well!

BargainFun said... 20

i'd love to use it toward a hand stamped bracelet

BargainFun said... 21

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