

Wordless Wednesday

Southern snow...







Buckeroomama said... 1

What fun!! My son saw these pictures and again he wants us to "spend Christmas where it snows!"

More Than Words said... 2

There goes those handsome boys of yours again!!

Mamí♥Picture said... 3

Awesome snow!! Lovely cute faces too...♥

Silke Powers said... 4

Fun!! We were in Charleston for the snowfall and young and old alike were playing and building snowmen! Cute boys!! :) Silke

Auntie E said... 5

It will be a great memory for the Kids. What fun they had.

My WW link for you

I am Harriet said... 6

Snow, snow, least the kids are loving it!

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 7

Fun shots. Enjoy the snow.

Nicolle said... 8

Wow. You did get some snow. Great pictures!

Night Owl Mama said... 9

wooo whooo so much fun! kids always have a great time w/ snow

Claremont First Ward said... 10

Looks like they are loving it.

Julie Ball said... 11

Aww, how cute! Snow in the south is indeed a magical thing... And it makes for great photos! :)

Robyn Jones said... 12

The kids look like they are having so much fun! It is too cold for them to play in the snow here right now...

Cascia Talbert said... 13

Wow, you got a lot of snow! It looks like your kids had a fun time. Enjoy it while it lasts. The weather has been pretty warm here. It reached 70 yesterday.

Cyndy Bush said... 14

That almost looks fun, although I can't be sure, I've never even seen snow! heh
You have a little something over at my place - come see!

tiarastantrums said... 15

that is too funny - how cold is it normally in winter? I guess I was surprised that you guys had winter coats and hats and gloves?? Isnt' Atlanta hot??

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 16

Lovely snow pics! Although, you already know I am tired of the yucky white stuff. LOL!

Mrs4444 said... 17

Hooray! They look soooo happy!! :)