

Friday Frags # 32

Mommy's Idea

TOMORROW is Luke's 2nd BIRTHDAY!!!! Can you believe it? No??? Me, either.

So sweet. So smart. So charming.


This Monday, before our chance of weekly snow, it was 60 degrees. The boys had so much fun playing in the backyard with neighbors and their dogs. I got my "fix" of more children and cute pups, by the way.

Then, on Tuesday it snowed...all day.

I can't remember there ever being this many Georgia snow "events" in one winter. We've really enjoyed it, tho I know the rest of the country is done!
Plus., I'm ready to break out the flip-flops.


Angie, at 7 Clown Circus is hosting a book exchange. I just got my partner and I'm eagerly gathering the 5 or 6 books to send. Can't wait to see what I get in return!

I so
LOVE bloggy swaps/exchanges. Do you?


Sam had a ball at Supercross. Neil said it was quite the event, and they didn't get home until 11:45 Saturday night.

Well worth the money, indeed. Here are some photos from that night...



It will be an amazing weekend for us, complete with Firemen and tons of chocolate-motorcycle-cake!

Sure hope you get
one of those!! :o)


Anonymous said... 1

Hi there, I'm visiting from Friday Fragments. Luke is adorable!!!!

have a great weekend!

Kelli W said... 2

Happy Birthday to Luke! I hope everyone has a great birthday weekend!

Anonymous said... 3

visiting from FF. Hope a great birthday is shared. your pics are wonderful.
enjoy your friday and weekend come to think of it.

Nicolle said... 4

It does not seem possible that he is 2 already! Happy Birthday!

Love the snow. But I'm like you, ready for flip flops!

Have a good weekend.

Liz Mays said... 5

I love the idea of a book swap. That's a new one to me. FUN!!!! I'll bet that Supercross was awesome!!!

brainella said... 6

The book swap sounds like fun. Do you have to read them and write a report?:-)

Happy Birthday, Luke!

Claudya Martinez said... 7

Feliz Cumpleaños, Luke!

madison kate said... 8

thank you for the sweet comment on my blog post-- i hope your boy has a wonderful 2nd birthday!

Beth Zimmerman said... 9

Dropping by to say Hi from FF! Happy Birthday to Luke! Both your boys are adorable! :)

Mrs4444 said... 10

What a gorgeous view you have, with or without snow, no doubt :)


I like the occasional blog swap. The book idea is a good one.

Have a great, snow-free weekend!