

Sundays in my City

Unknown Mami

We took Luke to our local fire station/police precinct as part of his birthday yesterday. (He LOVES fire trucks and motorcycles!) And, this station/precinct is loaded with cool vehicles, including those used for Haz Mat, bomb removal and SWAT exercises.

Here's a little photo tour with the boys...


(Yes. Luke was wearing his fireman costume.)


mub said... 1

How fun! It looks like they had a good time, even if Luke is a little unsure of standing on the firetruck bumper haha!

mimbles said... 2

What a wonderful birthday idea! The motorcycle shot is so cute :-)

Adoption of Jane said... 3

So Cute!!!! Beautiful boys you have their!! Thank you for your Prayers... there is great power in prayer!

Adoption of Jane said... 4

p.s. i just grabbed your button for my blog roll.. thanks :) have a beautiful Sunday!

BLOGitse said... 5

What a uniform Luke had a man! :)

Happy SIMC!


Unknown said... 6

Oh my word. SO adorable! I love it! : ) What a fantastically fun day! You are such a creative mommy!

Sonya said... 7

I LOVe the photo of Luke standing on the wonderful pics and how wonderful that you can get a tour of the place!


what a fantastic day.
i love these kind of days where the kids get involved and their eyes light up.

Formerly known as Frau said... 9

So cute! Happy birthday to your lil guy!

Kara @ His, Hers and Ours said... 10

I love the pic of your little Fireman in training!!

What a great idea for a birthday present!!

Sugar Bear said... 11

That's exactly what I want to do for my son on Friday for his 4th birthday.

Looks like a lot of fun!

Lee Ann said... 12

Looks like so much fun! xx

Claudya Martinez said... 13

What a lucky, lucky, birthday boy!

Joanna Jenkins said... 14

Happy birthday Luke! He looks so cute in his fireman's suit!

I love that there's a fireWOMAN too :-)

Thanks for sharing your Sunday. It made me smile.

have a great week,

Mrs4444 said... 15

OMG! Super, super, super CUTE!

B-Sting said... 16

LOVE IT!!!! It seems like yesterday you were pregnant at our mock prom, winning the mock prom queen award (which, by the way, you ROCKED!)

Nicolle said... 17

Oh my goodness. How fun! Great pictures of the boys. I totally love Luke in his little costume. That made me smile!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said... 18

That's like every little boy's dream!

Mamí♥Picture said... 19

That was Awesome!!