

Friday Frags #37

It was an amazing Easter here.  Sure hope yours was, too!

Mommy's Idea

LOVE the new Target slogan, not because I'm a "green" person, but because it's so darn clever...

Make Change
Save Green

(I do heart Target's reusable bags, by the way.)


I used some leftovers this week and came up with a tasty comfort-dish. Here it is:

1 cup rice
1/2 cup cooked chicken
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 can Cream of Mushroom soup

Just cook the rice, then add in every thing else and heat through. Creamy and delicious!


I'm on a BIG redecorate/reorganize the house kick. I honestly have so many ideas that I can't even keep it straight. Unfortunately, many of those ideas involve refinishing furniture. I'm up to the challenge. I just need the time.

I am planning to do some before and after photos once I get started! Stay tuned...


You know I love my cats...and they are pretty cool.  This, however, is really cool...

Spring break is ending and what a week it was. We had amazing weather, lots of laughs and delayed starts in the morning. What more could you want?!

There's only 6 more weeks of school here. The kids get out May 21st. (They go back August 2nd.) I'm excited to start a pool routine and sleep-in regularly. What about you???


Dawn said... 1

I can't wait to see what you do with your home projects! Maybe you'll be able to inspire me.

I can't believe they do Spring Break so late!! We did ours about three weeks ago and we don't get out until the very end of May.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! And, yes, we are looking forward to a relaxed schedule for the summer AND NO homework!

Have a great weekend Dina!

Lin said... 2

I hadn't seem that Target slogan, it is good! I use the Publix green bags, you can get more in them as well compared to the plastic one's!

I will also be interested to see your home projects once you have them done!

Glad you had a great Spring Break:)

Angel said... 3

I will definitely be checking in to see your home projects. We home school and will be finished in 3 weeks, can't wait for summer!! Love, Angel

jennykate77 said... 4

I'm feeling the need to organize and redecorate too. Must be the season. You'll have to post some pics! I probably will put all of my ideas on hold for now because we're getting ready to start an add-on project at our house. Glad you guys have had such a great spring break! I'm ready for school to be out too!!

brainella said... 5

We are planning putting in a new ceiling fan and light fixtures this weekend -- we first need to agree on the style. That's been the big road block over here. :)

The weather really has been fantastic though I wasn't ready for the hot temps earlier this week. Today was gorgeous.

Have a great weekend!

Cyndy Bush said... 6

That recipe sounds great!
We're moving so I'll be all about organizing and decorating next week!
Our Spring Break ends today too, and I've really enjoyed it. Can't wait for summer!

Claudya Martinez said... 7

Are you telling me that some day in the future I might actually get to sleep in?

sarah @ life {sweet} life said... 8

Hadn't heard the new Target slogan...very clever! And I can't wait to see your projects...I'm sure they'll be awesome! That cat is freaking amazing!!

Mamí♥Picture said... 9

Love that video~~【ツ】

Mrs4444 said... 10

"pool routine and sleep-in schedule" ? Sounds heavenly!!

LOVE that standing cat! So persistent, that fellow :)

Your simple recipe looks delicious :)