

i heart faces

The theme this week at is "Got to Wear Shades".
I knew I would post a photo of Luke, I just wasn't sure which photo I would choose.
He loves his "eyes", as he calls them.

Finally decided on this one...



Claudya Martinez said... 1

That kid's got style!

Seizing My Day said... 2

it is not cold enough to wear long sleeves is it?? ;)

He & Me + 3 said... 3

Too cute. His cheeks are so chubby. I LOVE IT.

Buckeroomama said... 4

It's so cute that he calls them eyes! His ({real} eyes are so round and big and his eyes are even bigger. :)

Melissa said... 5

He is adorable.

Tracey said... 6

I laughed out loud. Friggin adorable! LOVE your entry!

Sara said... 7

I love the processing on this photo, and the look in his eyes!! ♥ so cute!

Marla said... 8

He's a one handsome boy. Lovely picture.

Marla @

Amy @ Living Locurto said... 9

Totally adorable!

A Lady Called Amy said... 10

Sweet! Did you use 3D glasses too?! :)

tiarastantrums said... 11

he is so darling!!

Help! Mama Remote... said... 12

Haha how handsome!

mub said... 13

I can't believe how grown up he's looking! It's like I missed out on two years of the summer instead of two months *L*

tiff(threeringcircus) said... 14

Love it! What a cutie. Just love those oversized specs on that gorgeous little nose.

Liz Mays said... 15

I love that and I can't help but wonder what he's thinking there.

hannah m said... 16

Ha! Way too cute! His expression is priceless!

More Than Words said... 17

Very cool, and so very cute!

Unknown said... 18

He is so cute Dina! What a little sweetie! : ) Love this picture and his spunk!

Unknown said... 19

Cute :)

Alexa Mae said... 20

he is soooo cute!!! love the picture.

Ashley Sisk said... 21

Love the picture - looks like a frame worthy shot! He's adorable.

Nicolle said... 22

Love him in his glasses. Cutie!

Anna said... 23

very cute! what a great shot. i love his expression!

Meldrum Fam said... 24

my son wears glasses all the time and he loved this picture of your son...especially since your son calls them his "eyes" son knows exactly what that means! too cute.

LisaShaw said... 25

oh my goodness he is TOO CUTE!

Jenny said... 26

hehe that's cute :D