

Wordless Wednesday: Block Head

Luke + Lego = Love



alicia said... 1

Fabulous collage, as always. Love the title that goes with too. I have a lego lover here too. Happy WW! Stop by my linky party at

Seizing My Day said... 2

I have got to take a moment or two and learn how to make collages!! Lego plus Sammy equals love ;) it is so fun to see them create and be so proud of their creations! I love lego! wish we had a play room dedicated to just lego! ;)

More Than Words said... 3

He's sooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said... 4

Aw, so cute!

Maureen @Tatter Scoops said... 5

Love how you make the collage! He's so adorable.
Lego rocks this house hold too lol. Happy WW!

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 6

Love the collage. Cute shots.

Anonymous said... 7

great job!

LisaShaw said... 8

Oh I LOVE this!!!

tiarastantrums said... 9

hee hee - my kids never really got into Legos??

Liz Mays said... 10

It's so sweet to see how much he loves them!

My baby is 20 now and I'm not giving up his Legos!

Buckeroomama said... 11

LOVE those chubby little hands!!

We heart Lego around here, too --except when I step on them!

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said... 12

A fun time had by all - who doesn't love Lego?
Have a great week!


Ashley Sisk said... 13

What a cool collage - I love it!

Help! Mama Remote... said... 14

My kids love Legos. Looks like he'll play for days.

Cascia Talbert said... 15

Looks like a lot of fun!

Run DMT said... 16

What a great collage of photos! I love all the red.

This week's WW post is up.

Susan Payton said... 17

The collage is terrific. Thank you for letting me visit.

Little Hatchlings said... 18

Great pix Dina! You can tell that he really loves his legos!

jennykate77 said... 19

Oh, this is such a familiar site!! Isaiah LOVES Legos. They are his absolute favorite thing to play with. Cute picture collage!

Hope you're having a great week♥

Claudya Martinez said... 20
