

I Heart Wednesday

This weekend tons of women in Georgia are walking
in hopes of a cure for breast cancer.

So, here's a little message from me and my boys...

(And, since I have very little pink (with faces) around here, I 
will be using this for my i heart faces entry on Sunday, also.)

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

Isn't bath-time the sweetest?



Amy Nielson said... 1

love it! pink is pretty nonexistent in our house too :)

Seizing My Day said... 2

Way too cute!! he has eyes that those girls are going to love!

FYH said... 3

There's not much pink in my house either.
Really cute photo!

Run DMT said... 4

That is such a sweet photo! Love it!!!

Larri said... 5

So sweet! Hope you have fabulous weather for the walk. Thanks for sharing. Happy Wednesday! :)

Anonymous said... 6

beautiful and very appropriate shot! Have a great Wednesday.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said... 7

So important to develop compassion at a young age.

Here's my WW:

Buckeroomama said... 8

I could stare at your son's eyelashes all day! Wait, that won't help mine grow as long, though, will it? =(

Beth F said... 9

Sweet and important.

java girl said... 10

I love this! What a wonderful idea...
I'm over from Aspire today! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!

Auntie E said... 11

So cute and a great message indeeed
My WW link for you

Stacy Uncorked said... 12

Oh I love it! Priceless! :)

patricia Marsden said... 13

What a wonderful way to send a message of hope and love!

TheAL said... 14

Very cute. Wonderful message! :-)

Ashley Sisk said... 15

Very very cute.

jayayceeblog said... 16

That's a sweet photo and a wonderful message!

Christine said... 17

so so sweet & beautiful message! i thought i was following along with you but apparently not! so i am now & truly looking forward to it!

Nicolle said... 18

Beautiful picture, wonderful message my friend! :)

alicia said... 19

So sweet. And what a great cause. Thanks for sharing and linkin up for WW!

maryanne @ mama smiles said... 20

Very sweet.

Christine said... 21

Make sure to cheer on my fellow walkers in Atlanta!! You have no idea the difference you will make. xxxx

SarahinSC said... 22

So sweet! Love it!

Unknown said... 23

visiting from Wordish Weds.
this is a thank you, as a breast cancer survivor, for your support for BC and a cure in our lifetime means a lot!!! Love your sweet picture too.

blessings always,

Unknown said... 24

Very cute and for such a good cause!

East Coast Wahine said... 25

Great shot of him!

Robin Beck said... 26

So sweet and such a great cause. I've lost two friends to breast cancer and have another who is fighting it and one that is in remission.

Thanks for all you do~♥

Liz Mays said... 27

I love this one!

Anonymous said... 28

That is too cute! I love it.

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 29

Love his lashes and message.

Mama Monkey said... 30

both pictures are awesome!

Excellent Parent said... 31

Awww thats so cute! I love it!

Lauren Wayne said... 32

What a great picture. I love the framing and expression, and the treatment you've done to it.

Faythe said... 33

I love it , too! I have 2 boys... why is it the boys always get the long thick lashes? not many girls? thank you for the "pink post" :)
~hugs, Faythe @GMT

Deb Chitwood said... 34

Awesome photos! And what a great message!

Kirsten said... 35

Awesome picture!

SuperJenn said... 36

I love the pics :) Beautiful, actually!

Cheerful said... 37

lovely shots...very sweet! hmm, bath time i like most! happy WW! :)

new here at WW, pls see me at to see flamingos...:) thanks!

Michelle said... 38

Love them both!!

LisaShaw said... 39

Aww, both are precious!

Unknown said... 40

love the heart and message

Unknown said... 41

Great message, and walk for a great cause! With 4 boys in our household at one point there was never much pink either. :0)

Tezzie said... 42

Love the pink!! And, your bath time pic is adorable...oh, those eyes!!!