

i heart faces

I tell this boy, daily, "Luke, you are under my feet!"  Look
at that sweetness, tho.  You know I'm not complaining.

We're supporting PINK this week at



Teachinfourth said... 1

Yeah, I don't think I could stay upset at him, either...

Unknown said... 2

He is the cutest little thing. Seriously. So sweet!

Susan Anderson said... 3

For a minute, it looked like head pink angel wings!


Ashley Sisk said... 4

He's so cute!

Tezzie said... 5

Sweetness! And, I love those moccasins/legwarmer things!!! (that undoubtedly have some proper name that out-of-the-loop me has totally missed ;D) Great entry, my friend!

Cedar said... 6

So adorable! Beautiful eyes!

Kristen said... 7

What a cutie!

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 8

He is a cutie!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said... 9

too cute,

Anonymous said... 10

So cute!

Nicolle said... 11

I love your pink moccasins....and that might be the sweetest little face on Luke that I've ever seen. LOVE that photo! :)

LisaShaw said... 12

Aww, that's the BEST!!! He's just so cute!