

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

1.  What is it?

(Not too mysterious...but I loved the shot!)

2.  Children Sleeping

3.  Half

4.  Joy

5.  Window

(Molly spends much of her day looking out the big window of my Craft Room!)

Ni Hao Yall



Breena said... 1

Beautiful job Dina! Love them all! Thanks for linking up at "Life as this Mommy knows It"!

Kmcblackburn said... 2

Oh, I love those little feet peeping out from under the blankie! I miss those days.


leanne can blog said... 3

Love your sleeping shot- how cute are those feet.

Brooke said... 4

What a great set! I love your joy shot! You nailed it ;D

kewkew said... 5

I just love your sleeping shot. You combined two things I love taking pictures of, sleeping children and little feet. How cute. And there is certainly a lot of joy in that Joy shot.

Cedar said... 6

That joy shot is awesome! Love those little feet!

Anonymous said... 7

I love the little feet sticking out from under the blanket <3

Kim Stevens said... 8

Love those little feet, and I really like your what is it shot too!!

Aino said... 9

I like your first image, it's greate and baby and cat are so cute. Great shots.

Anonymous said... 10

great set. your half is clever. love your what is it. congratulations. visiting from today's Hunt. xxo

Pieni Lintu said... 11

Beautiful shots all!

Tamar SB said... 12

So sweet, Luke's feet while he's sleeping!! And the joy on his face, super precious!

Jen said... 13

These are beautiful!! All of them! And that quote on joy is just so true!!
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas week! XO

Buckeroomama said... 14

I love your take on Children Sleeping... very creative! :)

Unknown said... 15

I love the "joy" shot.

Nicolle said... 16

The first shot is beautiful and different and I love it. I love Luke sleeping and his little blankie. I will always have a tender heart for Boyd's little lovie blanket that he sleeps with, and it might possibly break my heart one day when he gives it up. :)

Happy Sunday.

Mary Gene Atwood said... 17

I love that first shot too. All are very nice. Have a fabulous week!

tiarastantrums said... 18

great close ups this week

Andrea Dawn said... 19

My faves are your sleeping baby feet and your half shot.

Gina Kleinworth said... 20

Oh Dina- the joy the joy- I can feel it!!

Ashley Sisk said... 21

Love your first shot...and the picture for joy makes me happy.

tinajo said... 22

Loved the first shot a little extra! :-)

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said... 23

Ahhhhhh Joy is my favourite along with the caption but I'm loving that lichen in the first shot and the perspective you've taken it from Dina.

Stasha said... 24

Joy and sleeping really are happy. Great set, as always!

Melanie said... 25

Oh the joy os adorable little Luke & his cute lil tootsies! The window shot is beautiful Dina!

Saun said... 26

Beautiful series love those cute little toes.

Anonymous said... 27

Wonderful shots Dina. Love the children sleeping and joy!

LisaShaw said... 28

Hi beautiful friend,

I've missed my visits but pray for you, hubby and the boys often!

I love the photos!!! Have missed seeing them!!

Love and Christmas blessings to you and your family!

Sarah said... 29

What a lovely set! Love the texture in your first shot!

Erika B said... 30

Love those cute little feet! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!


Serendipityissweet said... 31

Beautiful! I adore your sleeping shot ;)

Merry Christmas!!

Susan Anderson said... 32

Love the JOY.

And the baby feet!

(Which amounts to the same thiing, right?)


Breena said... 33

Your photo is featured on this week's "Look Whooooo's Snapping" photo linky party! Thanks so much for participating!

Blessings and Happy Holidays,