

Egg-celent idea...

I've been making some fun eggs to take to our annual
egg hunt on Sunday.  Here's what I did...

Just styrofoam eggs (any size), yarn and glue!  I love
the way they turned out and each egg took only a few
minutes to create and dry.

They made for some fun photos, too...

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
<em>Leap Into Spring!</em> Photo Challenge



Linda said... 1

Oh my! I am going to have to find some styrofoam eggs TODAY! I absolutely love this idea! I have a little egg stand that I use for Easter and I currently have plastic eggs in it - I can have really pretty ones now, thanks to your idea! Have a blessed Easter, Dina!

Heather said... 2

Now those are cool. I might have to make some of these for decor around the house. I don't have Styrofoam but I can use the extra plastic eggs I have instead.

Tamar SB said... 3

Move over Fabrege (spelling?) These are awesome!!

Ross said... 4

What a great idea! Great photos as well! Have a great Easter!

Nicolle said... 5

Dina, oh my goodness I love these. They are so pretty!! You did such a great job. Sharing this with my mama too, because I know she will want to make some as well. So cute!

Unknown said... 6

What a great idea! I haven't seen this before!

Susan said... 7

Oh this idea. They came out so cute!

Great job♥

Pieni Lintu said... 8

Great shots and ideas!

Unknown said... 9

I love these! Might have to try it myself. Thanks for the inspiration.

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 10

Beautiful eggs and shots. I might have to try those too.

SINTAS VÄRLD said... 11

Ohh egg hunt, the word brings back a lot of memories. Lovely!

Unknown said... 12

Oh these are so darling! What a fun project!

Unknown said... 13

Cute! Cute! Cute!
I'm copying your idea.

carol l mckenna said... 14

Wonderful idea ~ very creative ~ great 'how to' ~thanks, namaste, ^_^ linked w/This and That Thurs

Susan Anderson said... 15

Those are fun!


Shel said... 16

How fun are these - and so colorful!!

Raymonde said... 17

You are a blessing Dina, thank you for sharing this gorgeous idea.
Have a beautiful Easter :)

Susi aka Sinead said... 18

Very pretty!!

Unknown said... 19

Such a fun and easy craft! And great photos!

Lori @ Foto Friday said... 20

Those are so beautiful!
Thanks for sharing they really made a pretty picture!

Happy Easter!


Mary Gene Atwood said... 21

gorgeous eggs! Have fun this weekend.

Unknown said... 22

This is the BEST Easter craft idea I've seen this year!!

Anonymous said... 23

SO clever Dina, I love it!

Tatjana Parkacheva said... 24

Beautiful work.

Happy Easter!!!

Lisa said... 25

Super cool! If I ever used pinterest I'd totally pin this. :)

Molly said... 26

What a simple idea and wow the results are really effective.


L. said... 27

Such a great idea! I'm going to have to remember this for next year! :D

Nancy said... 28

Very pretty and so colorful. A fantastic idea! :)

Gina Kleinworth said... 29

LOVE those- so cool!!!!!

Marilyn said... 30

Sooo pretty Dina.. I adore this.. I have a fun spring saturday linky happening, would you care to add this into the mix pweease..? So much pretty happening : )).. Thanks so much.. Super excited to feature YOU tomorrow. Xoxxo..

Satakieli said... 31

Love these! What a great idea, they're so beautifully bright too.

Thanks for linking up with the Leap into Spring! Photo Challenge :)

...melody... said... 32

Beautiful eggs! What a great idea! :)

alicia said... 33

Love these! Especially that rainbow one. What a crafty gal you are! I'm going to have to tuck this one away to try next year. Thanks so much for sharing and linking to our Leap into Spring Photo Challenge!

Mona's Picturesque said... 34

Hi there, visiting form Leap into spring challenge :) I wasn't so happy about the theme "easter/eggs" at first... but little did I know. People are producing wonderful pics and I'm having the time of my life when bloghopping around :) Your eggs are pure art ♥

Gussie Schmitz said... 35

all i can say is ... HOW COOL!!! love it!!!

Unknown said... 36

oh my! i never thought of doing Easter eggs like this!! What a fabulous idea!! They are fantastic ... i especially like the rainbow-colored one and the blue and white striped one. i'll certainly need to remember this for next year!!

Serendipityissweet said... 37

Wow! These are beautiful!!

Desirae R said... 38

Such a great idea! I will have to try and remember this for next year!

Kristi Bonney said... 39

What a great idea! You all have some of the best ideas for making Easter look pretty!

Thanks for joining us in the Leap Into Spring Photo Challenge! We're moving on to a new theme on Friday, blossoms/trees. Can't wait to see what you come up with! Have a great day! :)