

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

1.  Shine

2.  Fast

3.  Left

4.  Peace

(...and quiet!)

5.  Plain

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

Happy JaxSerenity you



Anonymous said... 1

What great photos. My favourite is shine.

Laura said... 2

Dina this is a wonderful collection of images!

Linda said... 3

Wonderful images - love your interpretation!

Patrice said... 4

Great shots - love that spider web!

Carletta's Captures said... 5

A wonderful series!
That web with that light is amazing!

Brooke said... 6

These are all great... Love peace!!

Susan Anderson said... 7

Oh, that one strawberry...!


Anonymous said... 8

Great shots. Love the first one and the peace one. What do you use to take your underwater photos?

Karen said... 9

Great photos! I really like your Left photo. The red strawberry looks so vibrant.

Andrea Dawn said... 10

Love the way the light shines on that spider web.

Mary Gene Atwood said... 11

nice set. Love that first one!

kewkew said... 12

Love your shots. The web is fantastic and the fast shot actually made me feel dizzy.

Seeing Each Day said... 13

Your first and fourth photo absolutely hit the mark 0 always enjoyable popping into your blog and seeing your photos.

Unknown said... 14

Such wonderful shot. Love them all. But my favorite has to be your peace shot.. What a cool shot..

Tamar SB said... 15

Plain strawberries, nothing better! Great set this week!

Marilyn said... 16

Lovely shots Dina.. That underwater one is FAB.. So lovely and cute.. Awesome series.. You always have the best photography and creative.. LOVE.. Wishing you a happy SUnday.. ~Xo Marilyn

Unknown said... 17

Wonderful series - I do believe fast is one of my favorites though.

Nicolle said... 18

Love the berries. I know that I won't be able to get enough of them all summer! Great shots. The first one is so pretty. Must be morning light?! Love it.


Nancy said... 19

I love peace... I love to swim! :)

Nancy said... 20

I love peace... I love to swim! :)

JipetSun said... 21

Wonderful interpretations, you are very talented :D

Valeria said... 22

Shine looks like crystals. Love it.

Saun said... 23

Great shots love the spider web!

Ashley Sisk said... 24

Fantastic set - really loving your shine and fast shots.

Unknown said... 25

....and quiet, HA! Thanks for linking.


Michelle said... 26

Awesome interpretation of the prompts this week. Love them all, by shine is my favorite.

Melanie said... 27

Girrrrlfriend... these are all frickn AWESOME! Seriously woman! There is no way to pick a fav... but I especially love Peace. How did you take that? Waterproof camera, through glass... inquiring minds want to know! xo

Ida said... 28

Great set.
My favorites: Shine, oh to capture a wonderful web like that.
Left and Plain...I love strawberries and can't wait for our local ones to ripen (any day now).

Buckeroomama said... 29

LOVE your Shine! What beautiful light. :)

I always love your underwater pics. Great one of Sam (again)!

genie said... 30

Great job! What a fine example of a spider web and the underwater shot is awesome as always. All the shots were super. genie

Anonymous said... 31

I adore the underwater shot! And the dark background really makes the strawberry Macro POP!

Holly said... 32

Oh my that shine shot! So pretty!

TheChieftess said... 33

Fun shots!!!

Anonymous said... 34

What a great set! Truly enjoyed them all :)!

Merike said... 35

Sweet strawberrys images :)

Stewart M said... 36

Hi there - I think it’s a good idea to take still life pictures of things you can eat!

If the pictures don’t work out, at least you have dinner half done!

Stewart M - Australia

{Shannon} said... 37

Such AWESOME photos!!!!! That spiderweb shot blew me away!

Pat said... 38


Andrea @ From The Sol said... 39

I loved all of the shots ... I tried to pick a favorite, but each had something about it that I liked. You have a good eye ... Enjoyed it.

Andrea @ From The Sol

Lish @ Imprintalish said... 40

Great finds this week!! Love the underwater shot!!!

Gina Kleinworth said... 41

Well you know how I feel about your pool shots- so that one made me smile.

Anonymous said... 42

Wonderful series, but I must say that first shot is my favorite!