

Lego Life

It's really hot in Georgia, so Luke spent much of the day with Lego...
We have pretty much every Lego set ever made.  No, seriously.
Those double-doors in the 4th photo house many, many totes
full of bricks and figures.  He really loves coming up with his
own creations, tho.  And, I couldn't be happier about it.
Supporting these fine photo linkies:
Simple Things Sunday
Texture Twist
Texture Tuesday
Sweet Shot Tuesday
52 Weeks of Happiness
Communal Global
  The Good.  The Random.  The Fun.


Tamar SB said...

Legos kept me buys on many a snowy day in NJ as a kid (-:

Adrienne said...

Boy does this take me back...the absolute FAVORITE toy of my boy. He and I used to build "forts" - he'd build the tactical part and I'd build the residence where all the fighters lived. He'd put together the kits the way they were meant to be made...then we'd take some of them apart and create our own things. Except the millenium falcon. That's still assembled just like it was when he was 8...

Karen said...

Nothing beats lego on an indoor day!

Kim said...

Legos just stand the test of time and quality. They are the ONE toy that my kids have really enjoyed for the duration of childhood. And yes, this heat! My kids go out for roughly 2 minutes before turning around to come inside. Hopefully we will get a slight reprieve soon.

Ida said...

What a fun way to spend a hot day. Coleen just got into Lego's more this past year.

Susan Anderson said...

My boys were such Lego fans all those years ago. I think I still have their Legos up in my garage attic!


Buckeroomama said...

We love Lego! At first I was all about keeping pieces of each set separate from the other sets, but I've since given up.

Pieni Lintu said...

We love legos too. :)

abrianna said...

Looks like a lot of fun. In my house it is Littlest Pet shops and My little Pony that are taking over :).

Denise Fabian said...

My grandsons get so lost in legos! Love these shots...made me smile! Don't step on one in bare feet...

Sharon said...

Kids and their Legos! What fun!My daughter always followed the directions exactly -- and my son never made anything from directions after the first time. Great creativity!

elizabeth said...

I think my grandson has every lego set there is! I never thought of photographing them, but I love your series of lego photos!

Prairie Jill said...

Looks like a fun day! Great photographs.

Carmel said...

Can't go past lego .... great images.

Amy said...

LEGO is SO cool! I grew up with it so did my 3 children.

Unknown said...

There has been a heat advisory here all week and the schools have been letting early due to the heat. What a fun quote from Sophie Lauren!

you-wee because said...

Danish bricks going around the world and make a child's world go round! ;-)
Regards from Denmark's southern neighbor country,

Lisa said...

Legos are such marvelous ways to spark the imagination! And they are a fantastic photo opp as well!

barbara said...

We are stuck inside too, but for rain!! Legos are a very creative way to play with kids!

NCSue said...

A budding architect, eh?
Hope you'll share at

EarlK said...

Wonderful shots and great memories to come. Legos are fun.

Nicolle said...

Hi Luke! That is quite an impressive collection of Legos. Boyd would love to build with you!