

November via Instagram

 The month seemed to fly by, but it was lovely...
Supporting these fine linkies:
  Weekly Top Shot 
Little Things Thursday
Give Me your Best Shot
Friday Photo Journal
Friday Finds
Share the Joy Thursday


Tamar SB said... 1

You all had a busy and festive month!

Unknown said... 2

That looks like a great november! hope december is even better!

Nicki said... 3

is it bad I want a white Christmas tree? When I was young it was in vogue to have a rotating color ball to project colors on the tree - so cool!

Great Novembers hopefully spill over into great Decembers.

abrianna said... 4

Wonderful collage.

Dominique Goh said... 5

Lovely recap of November. I also did a recap for my WW post. Happy Holidays.

elizabeth said... 6

Beautiful captures!

NCSue said... 7

Lovely photos!
Thanks for being a regular visitor to

Anonymous said... 8

Amazing photos. So much story in every frame.

Dropping by from

Molly said... 9

You have lemons growing in your house? That is so cool


Terri said... 10

Made me smile; great pictures. Looks like the fun matched.

aspiritofsimplicity said... 11

lovely images of the season

Vanessa Morgan said... 12

So many lovely photos. Very cozy. And I have to know: do you have SEVERAL Christmas trees at your house???

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said... 13

These are all gorgeous shots, Dina! Yes, November just flew by, didn't it? I feel like it was Halloween last week, and now here we are in December!

Kim Cunningham said... 14

I love these and they just seem so FULL. You are doing a great job, Mama.

Lisa said... 15

The month wonderfully recapped! I love the Turkey Trot shot! The November seashore is definitely my favorite.

EarlK said... 16

Looks like a wonderful month. Joy.

Sharon said... 17

Looks like you packed lots of fun into November! I'm stuck on the first photo -- is that your home? Do you have several Christmas trees? It's lovely :)

Buckeroomama said... 18

I love all the beach shots!

Marilyn said... 19

Wonderful montage of images. My favorite is the cat. The light in that one is so beautiful.

Pieni Lintu said... 20

Thanks for sharing!!

Beth F said... 21

Lovely series

Unknown said... 22

I think the end of the year always go by faster than the beginning!

miss-red-fox said... 23

These are nice pictures, I especially like the ones at the beach!

Where I am, in Germany, it is so cold already, it also snowed today...
All the best,

barbara said... 24

B&W are my favorites! Thanks for sharing!

carol l mckenna said... 25

All very creative photos! love the beach!

Happy Weekend,
artmusedog and carol

Anonymous said... 26

Enjoyed seeing all around your world. :)