

Max 2: White House Hero - Giveaway

 **Warner Bros. Home Entertainment provided me with a free copy of the Blu-ray I reviewed in this Blog Post.
The opinions I share are my own.**
Man's Best Friend Is The Country's Biggest Hero

MAX 2: White House Hero
The All-New Original Movie Is Available on DVD, Blu-ray™ Combo Pack On May 23, 2017 & Digital HD Now.
Duty calls again, and our hero dog Max returns to action in "Max 2: White House Hero." His new assignment brings him to Washington, D.C. to serve on the U.S. president's Secret Service detail. When a foreign leader arrives with his precocious daughter Alex (Francesca Capaldi), tensions arise between both countries. First Son TJ (Zane Austin), along with Max and Alex, uncover a dangerous plot that puts both kids and both nations in jeopardy. A highly-sensitive mission will push Max’s specialized skills, intelligence and loyalty to the test.
We loved the first Max movie...and this one is equally fun!  (Perhaps we are biased because we have a Max of our own!?  See below.  He's very protective of his little sister, Molly!)

 In honor of the new release, we have a fun little game! could win a copy of the movie!  Simply play along...

Then post your time in the comment section below.  One winner will be chosen at random on June 1st.


rsteve said... 1

My time was 1:10. Prob not the best but it was fun to play.

Marilyn said... 2

My time was 1:01 -- tried again and it was over 2 minutes.

Julie Waldron said... 3

My time was :50.

Ronda said... 4

My time was :55.

Jeremy said... 5

My time was 1:05.

MaryAnn said... 6

My time was 1:06

wen budro said... 7

My time was 1:10. Playing games is not one of my talents.

Dawn Ballo said... 8

My time was 1:07

Bernie Wallace said... 9

I played the game and got 1:19. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

McKim said... 10

My time was 1:49. Not good!

rebecca11111 said... 11

My time was 1:19

Gina said... 12

My time was 1:25

Angela Saver said... 13

My best time was 1:15. Thanks for the chance at this awesome giveaway!

Nancy said... 14

My time was 1:19. Thanks for this fun giveaway.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

kat said... 15

My time was 1.04.

Annmarie Weeks said... 16

Cute game! My game was 1:05!

Meghan said... 17


Erin S said... 18

I got a 1:19 -how cute! erinnsluka@gmail

shirley said... 19

My time was 00:45.

cyndi br said... 20

my time was 2:44

Jackie said... 21

My time was 1:05 Poor Max hit a couple of bushes along the way.

elizabeth miller said... 22

I got 1:05. not too bad considering my dog got tired and wouldn't jump.

Audrey Stewart said... 23

My time was 1:29. I hope they will be okay?

Unknown said... 24

1 min 36 seconds

reneejr said... 25

I scored 1:05.

dlhaley said... 26

My time 1:05

ken ohl said... 27

my time was 1:00

Shakeia Rieux said... 28

My time was 1:38

Anonymous said... 29

My time was 1:01

LeAnn Harbert said... 30

My time was 1:15

sam m said... 31


Unknown said... 32

My time was .39

Leela said... 33

I got 1:13.

Clair Shumack said... 34

My time was 1:10!

Ellie Wright said... 35

My time was 1:05

Connie Hill said... 36

My time was 1:12 :) Not too bad - this movie looks cute

Gammy bear said... 37

my timw was .48

Unknown said... 38

I am a bit of a slow poke with 1:15 time.

Vikki Billings said... 39

My time was 1:10, I am slow...LOL

Annie said... 40

That is a cute game. My fastest time was 1:00.

Jerry Marquardt said... 41

My time was 1:30.

MichelleCat said... 42

1:05 and I realized I would not be a good jumping dog LOL

Donna said... 43

time was 1:10

Anita said... 44

1:30 is my time