

A Thousand Words Thursday

I was thinking about how much Luke has changed since last summer, and it made me want to look back at his "baby" photos.

My hubby snapped this one just about 1 year ago.

He has grown so big and learned so much....but we still take baths together!


Amy Clary said... 1

That is so precious. What a wonderful thing to share with your little one. :)

LisaShaw said... 2

How absolutely precious. Blessings upon you and your sweet family.

Anonymous said... 3

Aww! Chunky monkey!!!

Kimmie said... 4

That is so precious. I love looking back at baby photos. (Especially when they're reminds you of why you love them. lol) My ATWT

Stacy Uncorked said... 5

Awwww! Such a CUTIE!! I sure miss those early days with the Princess Nagger...

Happy ATWT! :)

Suburban Hooker said... 6

What a sweet shot that is!

Leslie said... 7

awww! So sweet. Gosh, they do grow so fast in that first year. Too fast. :)

Mamí♥Picture said... 8

Aww, this so PRECIOUS!!!
Have a HAPPY ATWT too!!

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said... 9

Awwwww...they grow so quickly. I certainly miss mine being that little. He is a cutie!

Unknown said... 10

He is adorable. They grow up so fast

Bree Shaw said... 11

ahh, what a great shot! just makes me wanna squeeze him:)

Jennifer said... 12

How sweet! Love the cheeks!

Cascia Talbert said... 13

That is a precious photo. They grow up and change too quickly.

The Mom Jen said... 14

Aw, so much happens over a year!

Serendipityissweet said... 15

Oh so sweet! I miss the baby days!
I usually am not a fan of music on blogs, but I have to say I love your choices...the kids and I are dancing :D

Anonymous said... 16

That is so sweet! What a sweet memory! TFS

Staci A said... 17

What a cutie! I love looking back on old photos, but it amazes me how fast little ones grow!

Brimful Curiosities said... 18

Amazing how fast they grow and how fast time flies by!

Nicolle said... 19

What a sweet picture. He has grown so much! :)

Keri said... 20

Such a precious moment captured! Such a beautiful baby!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 21

Aww, so sweet!! I love going back and checking out photos from the past too!

Kimberly Kihega said... 22

What a cute pic! Enjoy the special bathtime now. Dang, I miss those days...

MommaD said... 23

they do grow so fast! i have a blog award for you...