

I Heart Faces

This week, I Faces has two themes..."Happy Birthday" for kids and "Anything Goes" for animals/pets. Here are my entries...

Sam's Birthday Hat

Abby-Cat Lounging

To see more great photos or play along, click HERE.


Mom 2 Four said... 1

Super cute birthday photo and what a sweet kitty!

Melissa G said... 2

You have such a cute blog!
Your photos are so cute! The birthday one would have been a great entry for the Hats week too.
And the kitty is so pretty!

Taylor said... 3

Great shots. Cute kitty and I love the b-Day hat!

Anonymous said... 4

your site contains great the bday boy with the bday hat...

thanks for dropping by my site.

Mominin said... 5

Love that birthday hat! The kitty is very cute.

Shelly said... 6

Cute Hat.. and your cats eyes are beautiful!
Thanks for the comment on my entry :O)

Jenny said... 7

Cute! We have an Abycat also.

Michelle said... 8

both wonderful shots

Unknown said... 9

What a great and fun hat!

Anonymous said... 10

Great pics - what beautiful blue eyes on the kitty!

aspiritofsimplicity said... 11

Great hat!

the monkeys' mama said... 12

awesome hat! and that cat--love the way it is just lounging and staring--gotta love cats!

Anonymous said... 13

I love both shot! Beautiful -- Love his hate!

He & Me + 3 said... 14

Those were both great. Nice job

Leslie said... 15

I can't decide which one I think is cuter. They are both darling!

I keep coming back... time to follow!

tiarastantrums said... 16

love that birthday hat

LisaShaw said... 17

I am so loving that Birthday hat!

Cute cat.

McCrakensx4 said... 18

Thanks for blogging by! Great choices for i heart faces! I have a similar one of my oldest boy in a bday hat like that! And those cat eyes...beautiful! You have some heartbreakers on your hands!

Alicia W. said... 19

great entry this week for sure!

Foursons said... 20

Love the one-eyed look in the birthday photo and the laziness of your cat photo!

Foursons said... 21

Thanks for your comment on my "Let Freedom Ring" post. It is sad- especially for him. He has had to learn to live with a lot of disappointment and hurt from the one person who is supposed to give him unconditional love.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 22

Kitty looks compfy!! I think they are both great entries!

mummyof6monsters said... 23

great shots! thanks for visiting my blog:)

Nicolle said... 24

Love your pictures. Sam in his birthday hat is very cute! The cat picture is beautiful. Very good entries.

Sara Elizabeth said... 25

I love these! Sam is adorable, as usual. The photo of Abby is amazing! Those eyes are SO blue and SO beautiful.

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 26

Love the hat. The cat is adorable too.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 27

I am so happy to announce that you won over at I "Heart" Tucker!! Thank you for entering, leaving a sweet comment and donating! I appreciate it very much. Send me your addy when you have a sec and we will ship it out. Thanks!! *HUGS*

Anonymous said... 28

Both are great shots!!

April said... 29

Love the hat and I swear that cat has the BLUEST eyes I have ever seen! Great pics Dina!

AJ said... 30

Those are both great shots! I love kitty's eyes :).

Anonymous said... 31

Aww! That birthday one is precious!

Julie Rivera said... 32

What bright eyes your cat has! I'd love to see a shot without flash...I bet it would be even more spectacular!

Mamí♥Picture said... 33

great shot!!! that cat is a cutie!