

I'm so behind...

...on my awards. And, it's not because I don't appreciate them!

We have been so busy since school got out for Sam (beginning of May!) and now we are getting ready to head to the beach for a week. Anyways, I apologize to the sweet ladies that gave me these awards and now I am passing them on.

First, I received this "Over the Top" award from Chris. She is great and chats with me from the Philippines. (How cool is that???) Oh, and she loves photography, which makes me love her even more!

This very girlie "Awe-Summm" award came to me from April. She is pretty darn awe-summm herself, so I am quite honored to receive it. Make sure you click over to see her new horse, by the way!

And, finally, I got this sweet little award from a new blog friend, Jennifer. She lives in a male-dominated home, too, and she loves it. (I love it, too, in case you wondered.)

Since, I am so far behind with this, I'm passing each of these on to any and all of YOU. (Please feel free to click back and see the official "rules" for each award.) Congratulations!


Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 1

Congrats on all your awards!!!

April said... 2

Congrats, you deserve them all! Don't fret, summer is busy for all of us. Have fun at the beach!

LisaShaw said... 3

You are so precious Dina. Congratulations and enjoy your beach time with your precious family.

Lots of love.

Cascia Talbert said... 4

Congratulations on your awards! I know how it is to get busy and fall behind on blog awards. It happens to me all the time.