

Wordless Wednesday

Sam's "friend", sprayed gently with water because it was really hot.


Run DMT said... 1

What a cool pic! Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy WW!

I am Harriet said... 2

He's kinda cute in his green little way...

Mimi said... 3

How sweet! Great picture too!

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 4

Great closeup.

Unknown said... 5

Great pic! I so wish my camera could pull off closeups like that.

kayerj said... 6

so cool! Here’s my WW hope you can stop by!

Cascia Talbert said... 7

I still think bugs are creepy! Have a wonderful day!

Susan Holt Simpson said... 8

How considerate a gesture to this little green katydid!

Susan Cook said... 9

Cool little bug. Great close-up! Happy WW!

tiarastantrums said... 10

little freaked out here- I do not like bugs

Eyeglasses & Endzones said... 11

What a great picture! Love it! Who knew they were soo cute!

Dee said... 12

LOL! What a cute friend!

April said... 13

Great picture.

Beth F said... 14

Great capture.

Alicia said... 15

How Thoughtful. Even cute little buggies get hot too! (do they?)

Daphine said... 16

Great shot!

McClure Family said... 17

great photo! made me cringe a oh i have some growing to do in the bug area!! lol!

my WW:

Life With Dogs said... 18

But some like it hot, no? :)

Happy WW!

Stacy Uncorked said... 19

Very incredible picture - and I especially love that you sprayed him with water because it was so hot! :)

Happy WW! :)

Staci A said... 20

What a great photo! Although the bugs around here only seem to get stomped on!

Tracey said... 21

Very good shot! It was really nice of you to cool that little guy off!

Sara Elizabeth said... 22

How neat! I am not sure I have seen that insect before. It is a leaf bug? I love that I can see the texture on its legs and the water drop on its body.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 23

SWEET!! What a fabulous capture!

Muthering Heights said... 24

Great photo!

Mamí♥Picture said... 25


Martha said... 26

Great picture!