

A Thousand Words Thursday

My sweet, sweet baby boy is now 15 months old! Here is Luke's Top 5:

1. He's got tan arms, legs and head, but his belly is still white. (See pic.)
2. He has 12+ teeth. (A couple are trying to bust through as I type.)
3. He can say about 10 words, and just recently added Barney.
4. He can melt my heart with one of his super-sloppy kisses.
5. He is so, so, so much fun in our backyard.


Anonymous said... 1

Love the white buddha belly!

Martha said... 2

That is such a fun age...before the terrible 2, 3, 4, etc!

April said... 3

What a cute little farmers tan he has there!

a49erfangirl said... 4

What a cutie!

MOMMY-MOMO said... 5

what an adorable lil guy!!!

Bree Shaw said... 6

i can see why you love him so much, he is a cutie pie:)

Brimful Curiosities said... 7

My little guy has a ton of teeth, too.

Suzy said... 8

I love love love that age! I have a 16 month old and am enjoying every moment that I can.

What a cutie pie with his farmer tan and all!

Suburban Hooker said... 9

Very cute with his little farmer tan!!!

Susan Cook said... 10

Aww cute! I love when they're just learning new stuff - espec. talking. He's very cute!

Thanks for sharing.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 11

He's also soo cute and always seems so happy!

Jennifer said... 12

He loops so happy! Great pic.

Jennifer said... 13

Looks, even...

Marla said... 14

love the white belly... i have one of these boys... ps this picture really made me smile :P

Janis said... 15

Love the Farmer tan!!! What a cutie!

i just saw the button on your site..Thank YOU!!!! I hope to make an Official one soon I will let you know when it is ready.


LisaShaw said... 16

O my what a cutie!! He's growing up so quickly.