

A Coke and a Smile

I put a Coke box in the foyer for the cats and Molly immediately took to it...
She slid it all around...

Max heard her and came running, so she shared...

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Tamar SB said... 1

Like kids - the box is more fun (-:

carol l mckenna said... 2

Wonderful and adorable photography of your beautiful cat and the coke box ~ Fun! Thanks, ^_^

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Meri said... 3

Yup --- a kitty play date. Such fun!

Kim Cunningham said... 4

Cats and their getting into stuff is so funny. She is so cute all stuffed up in there.

Molly said... 5

These are hilarious... cats are such funny creatures


Susan Anderson said... 6

Aw, what a cute kitty!


Sarah Huizenga said... 7

At least your cats just play in the box, my dogs would eat the box :)

nancyjean said... 8

oh my goodness ... just like kids. They always liked the box better than the gift when they were young! Now my dogs would eat that box right up! cute shots!

Unknown said... 9

Cats + box = great laughs. Thank you for sharing something so lighthearted and amusing.

Lmkazmierczak said... 10

Just your 'pop' kitty

Louisette said... 11

Hé hé, a cute katz in boxe, love much!

Happy summer, greeting from Belgium

Anonymous said... 12

Cats in boxes - always a hit!