

Home of the Braves

We recently took the boys to see the Braves play...
They're moving to a new stadium in the suburbs in the next couple of years,
and Luke had never been to Turner Field.  (It was built for the '96 Olympics.)

The new stadium will actually be a lot closer to us, but it's weird that it
won't be in the heart of Atlanta.

It was such a lovely night, complete with Coke and Chick-fil-A!

And, of course, lots of fun...

The Braves even rallied to go into extra innings...

But, in the end, we lost by a run...

Supporting these fine photo linkies:
Texture Twist
Texture Tuesday
Sweet Shot Tuesday
52 Weeks of Happiness
Communal Global
Rurality Blog Hop
  The Good.  The Random.  The Fun.


Marsha Young said... 1

Any excuse to "take me out to the ball game" is okay with me.

What great pictures. Hope you and the family made some happy memories. Doesn't get any better than baseball, Chick-fil-et and (well, not Coke) but Pepsi!! :)

Tamar SB said... 2

How fun!! My bf is from Atlanta and the new stadium will be near his folks' home and looks so cool with the wicked revolving roof!

Glad you got a chance to take the boys again!

Saun said... 3

Looks like a great time love baseball!

Nicki said... 4

many (as in lots of many) years ago I went to a Braves game while living in the Atlanta area. Lots of fun. It is always hard to move from what has become a tradition to a new location - but I'm sure it will eventually feel right too.

Unknown said... 5

It looks like a night to remember!

Kim said... 6

I had no idea they were moving the stadium! I can't even imagine that. Seems odd, but I guess necessary. Glad you got to got o Turner Field. My boys and hubby go every summer, but we girls have been left out.

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said... 7

Your photographs sum up for me the iconic United States I have never been to or seen a game but I'm sure the sounds and sights must be fantastic.

EarlK said... 8

Wonderful sequence of photos. The same thing happened with our baseball stadium in Omaha. The old one is now gone and the new is up and running. I miss the old one.

likeschocolate said... 9

That is right! I forgot you lived down south near me! Looks like they had fun. Strange to think that they will be in a new stadium in another couple of years.

Lisa said... 10

Little boys and baseball! What a great combination! I really like the *skyline* shot.

barbara said... 11

Love your pictures!

Lmkazmierczak said... 12

Good to see the great American pastime still rules!

betty-NZ said... 13

Great shots of lots of folks enjoying themselves!

Susan Anderson said... 14

Baseball is such good summer fun.

Our new ball park in SF is gorgeous, overlooking the bay. I love to go there!


Nicolle said... 15

There is nothing like summer and baseball. Love these shots!