In case there is even one person out there that doesn't know, my sweet baby Luke will turn 1 next week. So, of course, I am making preparations for his celebration. We will do a little something on the actual day with our family, and then he will have a party with all of his friends. (Yes. He has friends.)
Now, I love birthdays, but I am definitely a "keep it simple" kind of mom, so my kids' parties are more like playdates with cake and presents. I love hearing stories about the over-the-top parties, though. And, I bet you guys have some great stories to share.
Now, I love birthdays, but I am definitely a "keep it simple" kind of mom, so my kids' parties are more like playdates with cake and presents. I love hearing stories about the over-the-top parties, though. And, I bet you guys have some great stories to share.
So....onto the GIVEAWAY! Just leave me a comment about an extravagant party that you've been a part of, as host(ess) or guest. The winner will be randomly chosen on Saturday, March 7th, and here's what she'll get...

A pack of 3 e.l.f. lip glosses, a girlie little photo album and a bag of very yummy chocolate

I hosted a huge birthday party for my DD's 18th birthday...then again for her 21st. Those "over the top" party days are over for me now until she gives me some grand babies..heehee But all of her friends did tell me that I know how to throw a party. lol
Happy birthday Luke! =)
I recently attended a party hosted by my friend at a very posh hotel. We got a room, and she brought a whole suitcase full of cards and games and such.
It was a blast
katch05 at gmail dot com
Happy Birthday Luke!!!!
I don't get invited to many parties... birthdays or otherwise...
My best friend's wedding and all the parties and events surrounding that were the most extravagant (and fun).
As far as birthday parties... probably my best friend's younger (twin) brother and sister's 30th birthday party.
Started small and grew to huge with -- and moved from location to location. It was fun!
And pick me! Pick me!!!
I went to a friends 35th birthday party. Her husband rented out the whole night club from 6:00-9:00. Then he hired her favorite band to come play a private show for us. At nine they let it open to the public. There was food and drinks. It was quite a party.
Hi Dina! First of all, Happy Early birthday to your precious baby and what a fun giveaway. I'm always in the mood for chocolate. Yum! I can't wait to see pictures of his party.
For my mom's 60th birthday, 2 years ago, I told her to pack a bag and we would be going somewhere for a few days. I flew her to Vegas, where family from TX, AZ, and CA met us. We had a blast! She had no idea...she thought I would be taking her to the beach. :)
Aw, the first birthday! It's such an exciting event! Keeping it simple is best.
I haven't any extravegant party stories. We do not know many people with Children so we've never been invited to any and the girls parties have only been adults thus far.
We did however drive to Arizona last year and surprise my nephew for his second birthday. It was a lot of fun and a complete surprise, especially since Nanny was there. It had been awhile since she had seen her grandkids.
Good luck with the contest and I hope Luke has a wonderful first birthday!
Look at you doing a give-away! Yay!! I love the chance at winning something!
I guess the best kid birthday party I went to was a little girl who had an American Girl party. The mom rented a room at party place and had a tea for the girls with their dolls. They were all dressed up to match their dolls too. She used real china teapots/cups. They also had a mystery to solve that involved the american girls. It really was pretty neat.
I'm like you though... we don't do elaborate parties. I think kids are just happy to have time to play with their friends and open gifts.
The only elaborate party I have ever been a part of was my wedding.
It is nice to meet you. : )
I've been to so many really amazing parties. I used to work for Disneyland in the Parade Department and we put on the best, most extravagent parties.
One time we rented a western ghost town, had street entertainment, line dancing and great prizes.
Those were some fun times : )
My bff growing up had the parents who went OVERBOARD for every event. We ended up having our graduation party together and they easily spent $10,000 on crazy. I can't imagine when she gets married.
Oh, and I'm a yeah...extreme kids' parties are an everyday occurrance. The most bizarre one was a kid that "registered" at Toys R Us for what they wanted for their birthday.
Happy birthday to your little one! Good luck with your giveaway.
I didn't have the blog yet, but for James's first birthday party we had a HUGE party at our house. We probably had 50-60 people over, had a jumpy for the kids (which we bought instead of rented for future parties), roasted a few pig butts on the big green egg, and even had a band playing (which really isn't unusual for us since most of our friends are musicians.)
We had two of the four sets of grandparents fly in for the party, and James wasn't quite sure what it was all about. Believe it or not, I forgot to make a cake for the guests. I did make a small cake for James to mash into, but completely forgot about the guests.
The party was a blast and went into the wee hours of the night.
Poor Thomas... I am not sure that I am going to do that again. I hope that he doesn't feel slighted later in life because his brother got a big bash and he gets the left over Christmas wrapping paper.
The "best" party I have ever hosted was Tylers back in October. Those people did it all! All I had to do was show up and leave!
My friend Michelle hosted a Paella party and wine tasting. It was the best "grown up" party I'd been too.
I host a ladies only Christmas Brunch that seems to be getting fancier and fancier every year. It's the only time the "good good" china even comes out of the cabinets. :)
kurtntoni at yahoo dot com
Well, Tara's 10th birthday party was not huge, but for me it was rather extravagant. I arranged for "brunch" at the Grand Floridian 1900 Park Fare for Tara, 3 friends and 2 sets of parents. It is a character meal, so we had The Mad Hatter, Alice, Tigger and Pooh. We put together awesome VERY girly goodie "swag" bags for the girls. After brunch, we all headed into Magic Kingdom for the rest of the day. About mid afternoon, we all went to the ice cream shop on Main Street and had ice cream and sang Happy Birthday. After the party was over, I made each girl their own little photo album with pics for the day.
Happy Birthday to your little guy!
I just stopped by to say hi and tell you that Cali was talking about Sam the other day. We do parties REAL big in Alaska. Cassi's is coming up and we are going for the sleepover. I'm sure I will be posting about it. She is super excited. Hope all is well on your side of the country.
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