

Wordless Wednesday

I'm not sure what they do to flowers these days, but they certainly last a long time. I received these on February 14th and they still look beautiful!


Anonymous said... 1

Oh my that's gorgeous!!! I love pink!

Stacy said... 2

Wow beautiful flowers!! The pink is awesome:)

Shasta said... 3

Wow, they are beautiful!

Robyn said... 4

Beautiful! We had flowers that lasted so long once! It depends on were the come from I think. :) Great photo!
Mom All Day :)

Christine said... 5


Unknown said... 6

Gorgeous! There's something about pink flowers that just make me happy!

Brimful Curiosities said... 7

Love the lilies!

Muthering Heights said... 8

What a lovely bouquet!

LisaShaw said... 9

Absolutely beautiful!!

Nicolle said... 10

Same here, I was just admiring mine this morning. They still look great. Yours are pretty too!

Sara Elizabeth said... 11

They must be amazing flowers if they are still that beautiful after over 10 days. They are so lovely. They hold every shade of pink that I love . . . every shade! :o)

Happy WW!

Ali said... 12

Beautiful! I have some daffodils sitting on my counter right now that I hope last that long!

Karen Harrington said... 13

So lovely! My first visit to your blog. I'm trying to make through all the WW blogs eventually. So many pics, so little time.

Anonymous said... 14

wow! I wish my Valentine's Day flowers were still thriving! Your flowers look gorgeous!

Corrine said... 15


Claremont First Ward said... 16

They are gorgeous!

Cascia Talbert said... 17

Those flowers are beautiful!

Tracey said... 18

How BEAUTIFUL! Mine are dead... :0(

Sarah said... 19

That's amazing! Beautiful flowers.

Sarah said... 20

Wow! they really did last long. Good photo too.

tiarastantrums said... 21

really gorgeous!!

Michelle said... 22

So beautiful. I love pink. That is a long time. It gave you more time to enjoy them.

Anonymous said... 23

Wow, I can't believe they've lasted that long. They're very pretty!

Kimeri~ said... 24

they are beautiful still for sure.
We discovered this floral treatment called "Citric" we dip the flowers in it as part of the process then we put them in special food. The citric actually helps them last twice as long these days.

Daphine said... 25

Uh....WOW! These are beautiful!!!!! Just beautiful!