

A Thousand Words Thursday

Tomorrow Luke turns 1-year old! This picture was taken when he was only 1-hour old. It's so hard for me to believe that an entire year has gone by, but oh, what a year it has been!! He is so fun and cute, and he has already learned so much. It really has been such a blessing.


Abby said... 1

SO sweet! It is amazing how fast they grow up. Happy 1 year to Luke!

Martha said... 2

He is adorable. Yeah for March babies! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Dee said... 3

it makes me sad how fast time flies and how big they can get in a short amount of time!

Andrea Frederick said... 4

Awesome picture and great memory. He is very sweet!

Bree Shaw said... 5

what a great picture. he looks really sweet. enjoy him, they grow up entirely too fast.

Piece o' Coconut Cake said... 6

It never ceases to amaze me how they look so alert and wise when they're only an hour old! Happy ATWT!

Heather B. said... 7

Oh so sweet! He looks so peaceful in this picture! Happy Birthday Luke!

April said... 8

What a beautiful baby! Happy ATWT!

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said... 9

What a great picture, he is looking like "Hey, How you doin'?"

Finding Joy in the Journey said... 10

oh, does it continue to go that fast? my little lady is 3 months old and I don't know how that happened! very sweet little sugar!

Amy Clary said... 11

The first year does go by fast...I'm learning that the second one does too. ;)
happy atwt

A Family Completed... said... 12

How sweet is he! He looks so alert. Happy 1t Birthday Luke :)

The Mom Jen said... 13

Time sure flies doesn't it! Happy Birthday Luke!

The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said... 14

Beautiful pic. Time goes so fast, kiss'm all the more :)

Sarah said... 15

SO precious! Time goes by so quickly.

Angela @ Nine More Months said... 16

That is such a sweet picture. Happy Birthday Luke!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 17

He's so precious and handsome! Happy First Birthday Luke!

Evolving Mommy Catherine said... 18

Well, Happy Birthday to Luke. It astonishes me everyday how quickly my daughter is growing, changing and learning. Man it goes by so fast.

Kimeri~ said... 19

such a sweetheart! He has changed alot this year!

Tracey said... 20

They grow too fast! He was a beautiful baby!