

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said... 1

So cute!

Kimeri~ said... 2

beautiful eyes!

Mimi said... 3

That is too funny! And so cute!

You know he's thinking, "Yeah, I'm cute. Take my picture so I can go back to sleep."

April said... 4

Awww how cute. Those eyes are beautiful.

Unknown said... 5

So adorable...and those eyes are gorgeous! I'm such a cat person so it could be bald with black eyes and I'd still be in love!

DeeBee said... 6

What an adorable kitty!

Martha said... 7

Look at kitty's blue eyes. Adorable.

Just Jenn said... 8

So precious!! if I didn't have a puppy who chases our current cats... I would want another one!! it is yours?? ;) Hopping around from another Jen's comment role! ;)
Nice to meet you!
Just Jenn~