

A Thousand Words Thursday

This sweet boy is 1 year old now! Goodness, I love him. I love Sam equally, but different. And, I think that's cool b/c they are so totally different.

Know what I mean?


Anonymous said... 1

Aww! Happy Birthday Baby!

Kathleen said... 2

Adorable pictures!! Have you ever read the children's book "I Love You the Purplest"? Precious book about a mother's different love for each of her sons.

Brooks said... 3

happy birthdya little man! what a cutie! happy atwt!

annies home said... 4

happy birthday he is so cute

Nicolle said... 5

Oh he is sooo cute! My mom always said the same thing, she loved me and my sister so much, but differently, because we were so different. I think I can understand!

Mimi said... 6

He is just too cute! I know exactly what you mean! I once read a quote by someone -- and I can't remember who -- but it said, "You don't love your kids the same. You love them equally, but differently because they are different people." And I so totally agree with that. My boys are so different, like night and day, and I love them equally, but not "the same." I don't think you can understand that concept unless you're a parent yourself.

Andrea Frederick said... 7

What's in those cute cheeks? He's so cute!

Bree Shaw said... 8

he looks a little ornery:)

April said... 9

He is such a cutie! I do understand....each of my girls has a different type of relationships with me....but equal. Happy ATWT!

Daphine said... 10

Awww! And YEP, I know exactly whatcha mean. Happy Birthday to your little man!

LisaShaw said... 11

The Birthday boy is as precious as can be. God bless him.

Amy said... 12

What a cutie! Thanks for stopping by earlier! Also. . .your header is adorable!

Be Blessed,

Amy (Honestly)

Dawn said... 13

He is starting to look not so much like a baby anymore.

You have such beautiful boys.

The Mom Jen said... 14

I completely understand, I definately have a different relationship with my son and my 2 girls, equal, but different.

Sweet shots!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said... 15

I TOTALLY know what you mean - all my boys are so different.

Michelle said... 16

He is such a little cutie! Happy Birthday. I totally know about them being different. All three of mine are different.

Tracey said... 17

It is amazing how differently you love each of your kids huh? These picutres are soooo cute! You will have chicks fighting over you kids! LOL

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 18

So handsome!! I love his cute little smile!

Emily ~ Little Window Shoppe said... 19

He is adorable in these pictures!! Happy 1 year Birthday to your little cutie pie. ;)

Anonymous said... 20

He is a beautiful little boy! And he needs some more cake!